Multiple Ship To's in a Ship Sale

Multiple Ship To's in a Ship Sale


To add an order in Cash Register (TCH) with multiple ship to addresses, the clerk does not need to create multiple orders, up to 50 ship to addresses can be added in one order. 

To create multiple ship sales in an order follow the steps to create a Ship Sale Order Entry.  When done creating an order for one ship to address, select the Ship Sale button to choose a Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX) code for the next ship to line.

When the TTX code is selected, a question will pop up for the clerk asking if a new Ship To is to be added.  The reason this is asked and not assumed is because this is the same step a clerk would take to change the transaction type in an order, see Multiple TTX codes in an order.  Select Yes to be taken to the Ship To information screen.

At the Ship To information screen, select an existing ship to customer, edit an existing ship to customer, add a new ship to or select a default ship to.  Make any appropriate changes to projected ship date and shipping code if necessary and select Accept.

Once the Ship To information is accepted then the clerk will be taken back to the order screen where there will be 2 ship to lines.  Repeat as many times as necessary.

The order is not saved until it has an order # attached to the order.  Until the order is tendered or suspended there will not be an order # for the order, instead Auto will be in the place that the order # will be.

Only 50 ship to lines can be added in one order.





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