Cashing in a Register

Cashing in a Register

To begin entering orders into a register the cash drawer will first need to be counted and the register cashed in, or those counts entered into AMS so the system knows how much cash the drawer began that day with. Cashing in a register is done from within the Touchscreen.

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Begin by selecting your clerk id from the buttons on the touchscreen if it is available, you can also key in your clerk id into the clerk id field at the top of the screen. If you have a password you will also need to key the password in when prompted or after entering your clerk id.

If you are at a stationary register it should automatically have the proper register id in the register field shown above.


If you are at a register that is used for multiple functions you may have to tell the system what register you are cashing in (for what reason you are using the register) by selecting the correct register id. You can do this by selecting the ? next to the register field and you will be prompted with all of the registers you have access to cash in.

Once you are sure you are cashing in the correct register (have verified the register id field) select the cash in button or hit F1 on your registers keyboard. 

As you will already have counted your physical cash you will now key that count into the system or select from one of the green quick dollar amounts on the right side of the screen. Once you have chosen your dollar amount you will hit the accept button to return to the main register screen and log in to begin transactions for the day. 

If you select the quick dollar amount buttons you will skip the step of hitting accept, the system will automatically take you back to the batch screen.



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