TIP Clerk Search Grid
The Tip Clerk Search Grid is a utility that reports on tip amounts collected by touchscreen registers that are configured for tip processing. When a credit card tender contains a tip amount, the touchscreen program requires that the tip be assigned to a Clerk ID, also known as "Tip Clerk." A Tip Clerk is an individual or a group of individuals that are explicitly designated as the intended recipients of a collected tip. Depending on the settings of the register in use, tips are automatically assigned to the original data entry clerk or explicitly assigned to a specific clerk or group of clerks using the Tip Assignment screen. Introducing the Tip Clerk entity lets users inquire about tips collected for payout and ad hoc reporting.
What brings on this enhancement? Imagine an environment where a collection of hosts work in a hospitality setting. Hosts interact with guests and take orders. In one scenario, the host rings up their own sale transactions. In another scenario, sale transactions are entered by a dedicated cashier. The Tip Clerk feature was designed especially for the latter scenario. Tip Clerk allows cashiers to designate explicitly who is the intended recipient or recipients of a tip collected. Touchscreen registers configured to collect tips also require the assignment of a tip clerk automatically or explicitly for any credit card tender containing a tip.
The PBE Print Batch Edit List may still be used to report tip information. However, its recap information is only reliable when performed using the order's Original Clerk ID or the order's Latest Clerk ID. PBE's tip recap on Commission Clerks is unreliable because a commission clerk is an attribute of a sold line item, while a tip is an attribute of an order's tender(s). Tip Clerks and the Tip Clerk Search Grid resolves this reporting issue.
So many clerks?
Every order created in the PS Point-of-Sale system identifies with three clerks. Tip Clerk is the fourth and newest addition, required when a tender contains a tip.
Original Clerk | The person that originally completed data entry. Also referred to as "OClerk." |
Latest Clerk | The latest or last person to edit, update or touch the order in a significant way. Also referred to as "LClerk" or simply "Clerk." |
Commission Clerk | The person credited with the sale or return of an individual line item. Also referred to as "CClerk." |
Tip Clerk | The person or persons that are intended to receive any tip collected. Also referred to as "TClerk." |
Table of Contents
Where Is It Found
- Tip Clerk Assignment - TCH Workflow
- Tip Clerk Assignment Screen
- Editing Tip Clerk Assignment
- Tip Clerk Grid - Inquiry and Export for Reporting
Feature Setup & Control
The system requires no special setup to begin utilizing the Tip Clerk assignment feature. However, the system evaluates various Central Tables during processing which controls the presentation of screens and access to functions that enable editing tip assignments posthumously.
Feature Overview & Examples
Tip Clerk Assignment - TCH Workflow
The image below illustrates where the Tip Assignment screen appears in the flow of a POS touchscreen transaction.
- After payment pre-authorization from the Tender/Accept screen, the system displays the appropriate user interface for entering a tip amount before sending the post-authorization and finalizing the transaction.
- If a tip amount is specified, and the register in use is not defined to skip the tip assignment process, the system displays the Tip Assignment screen and requires the data entry clerk to assign the tip to a Tip Clerk ID. However, if the register is set up to skip a tip assignment, tips will be automatically assigned to the data entry clerk (i.e., the original clerk).
Tip Clerk Assignment Screen
Upon display and by default, the data entry clerk or "Original Clerk" is highlighted in a grid row containing "Active Clerks."
(1) Click [Assign] or double-click the row that contains the Clerk ID to be designated as the Tip Clerk.
- Click [All Clerks] if the desired Clerk ID is not shown.
- Alternatively, enter a search value and click [Search] to display matching Clerk IDs or full names.
(2) Clerk(s) assigned to a collected tip appears in the assignment g