Touchscreen Button Programming (Button Spreadsheet)

Touchscreen Button Programming (Button Spreadsheet)

The buttons on each of your registers that are used when ringing in transactions are maintained by what we call a Button Spreadsheet. This is a standard excel spreadsheet with specific column definitions and functionality that allows you to program your register to look and act to your companies specifications. There are six columns on a button spreadsheet with predefined column headings, these column headings determine how the system will read the value of the cell in each corresponding row.


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The column headers and what they control are defined below. 



This number or letter in this alphanumeric field signifies what button set this spreadsheet refers to and determines which register will read this button spreadsheet verse a potential second or third button spreadsheet. On every Register Master File there is a field for Button Set ID. In this example every register that has a 1 in this button set id field will read this button spreadsheet once it is upload into AMS. If the TR column had a P in it, only the registers that had a P in the Button Set Id field of their register master file would read that button spreadsheet to determine the button layout. 


This column refers to what type of button that row will represent. There are four different button types, Customer, Transaction, Part and Tender.

A customer button type controls what buttons you will see when you touch the "Bill to Cust" button on the upper right side of the register. 

A transaction button type controls what you see when you press any of the four brown buttons at the top of the touchscreen. 

On this type, the Level 1 Description defines on which button it shows up.  The options for Level 1 are RETURNS, NO CHARGE, CARRY OUT, and SHIPMENTS.

The Transaction codes are defined in the TTX table.  When you put the TTX code on the spreadsheet, you need to omit the first digit of the code.  That digit represents the Tasting Room number.  It is usually a “1”.  When you sign into the touchscreen, you enter which Tasting Room you are using.  It is not necessary to have it in the TRANS button as well.

Once you touch one of the brown buttons you will see the options as set up on the spreadsheet.   The following is from pressing the Ship Sale button:

These were programmed by the following rows on the button spreadsheet. 

A Part type button controls the main portion of your touchscreen, the buttons that are used for ringing items in for sale, tasting fees, coupon codes, referrals or event codes. You are allowed to have up to two summary buttons before you get to the individual product buttons.These summary buttons are controlled by columns C and D, Level 1 and Level 2 descriptions.  In other words you can have a button on the first screen that says “WINE”.  

Then when you press the WINE button, you can see a button that says “CURRENT RELEASE”

Then when you press CURRENT RELEASE button you will see the actual product buttons.

The spaces that you see from the last “summary” button (3Liter) to the first product button are actually programmed.  By putting *BLANK in the Button Value column, you can leave blanks between buttons.  Visually, this might be easier to use.  These four products were programmed in the spreadsheet as follows:

Line 49 of the above example only puts the color Yellow on the first screen button.

Line 50 of the above example only puts the color Yellow on the second screen button.

My colors aren't coming out??

Line 50 in the image above is coded without a *BLANK button value.  This effectively sets the colors for Level II Description items below the Level 1 description of WINE.   To differentiate the colors of your Level I items from your Level II description part buttons, insert and include a row like Row 50 above to define how Level II colors appear below Level 1.

Lines 51-56 are the programmed blank spaces.

Lines 57-59 are the first row of products.

Line 60 is another blank space so I could keep the Chardonnay’s on top of each other (just a suggestion).

Line 61 is the Chardonnay on the next row.

The Color column is optional.  It can really help with keeping the screen visually easy to use.  Your options for colors are:

                Red                        Light Red             Dark Red

                Orange                 Light Orange      Dark Orange

                Yellow                   Light Yellow        Dark Yellow

                Green                   Light Green        Dark Green

                Blue                       Light Blue            Dark Blue

                Teal                        Light Teal             Dark Teal

                Tan                         Light Tan              Dark Tan

The Button Text column can be filled in if you want the button to read something other than what was set up in the Part Master for those parts.

Here’s what the next button under WINE – Red looks like and the spreadsheet programming.

Again, blanks were used to separate the summary buttons from the product buttons.

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