Attaching an existing customer to an order at POS in one click

Attaching an existing customer to an order at POS in one click


When a clerk is entering an order at the register and they do not look to see if the customer is existing in the CRM database the system will look for you with the swipe of a card.  When the order is being tendered, the system will be looking for a combination of the last 4 digits of the credit card plus the name on the credit card to find possible matches in your system.  It is likely you will only find one match in your system unless the customer has a duplicate account.  Here is what it will look like when you swipe a customer's credit card and they are an existing customer in your CRM database.

Swipe card or manually enter card at the tender screen:

If there is a match in the system this is what you will see pop up on your screen:

Double click on the approprate customer to attach the order to the customer record or select the cancel button to opt out of selecting a customer.:

If you choose a customer out of the possible matches and your register is set up to send receipts by email at the end of the order, the customer information will populate in the pop up box.




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