Customer Management (CRM)

CRM is short for Customer Relationship Manager.  It’s used to find the customer or customers you’re looking for, and take action on your selection.

For customer service it’s indispensable.  CRM should be open on every customer service desk all of the time.  It’s easy to locate a customer and anything related to that customer such as:

  • Every contact they’ve made with you
  • Every contact you’ve made with them
  • See every order they’ve made
  • Record every customer contact with the built in Contact Manager, inbound or out bound
  • When a customer calls all their records are at your finger tips
  • If you’ve agreed to do something, a follow up feature helps you keep your promise.

CRM has powerful marketing features built in such as

  •   Mine data for use in segmented marketing offers
  •   Keep track of offers and measure their result
  •   If you use RFM marketing, you’ll be pleased to know RFM scoring takes just a mouse click.
  •   CRM links to the screens you use to work with customers and orders.  It’s easy to jump to the screen you need.

Click below for the basics of using CRM

Also see PSCUM.IMP Import Customers from Spreadsheet to create full or partial records.