Telesales Management

Telesales Management


The telesales feature allows our customers to assign segmented customer lists to their DTC team and manage the workflow in AMS so that customer records are updated at the time of the contact and supervisors can view the progress of the DTC team.

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Where Is It Found



  • Segment customer lists and assign to one or multiple people in your company to manage telesales within AMS
  • No need to print out spreadsheets, users can pull up their assigned list in the customer contacts menu and add and complete contacts for customers as they call
  • View the progress of the telesales calls by anyone who was assigned a list

Feature Setup & Control


Feature Overview & Examples

Segment the Customer List

For this segmented list we will filter customers based on purchase history of a particular product.  In Customer Management (CRM) select Advanced Search.

In the Sales History Tab, choose your appropriate parameters to segment your customers based on purchase of a particular product.  In my example 1, I am looking for buyers since the beginning of 2016 that purchased at least one order with 3 or more bottles of Blancs de Noirs.  Another common parameter to add to this would be to use Selection 2 to reject customers that have purchased the product in the last few weeks, see example 2.

Example 1:

Example 2:

If necessary, filter even more customers by club membership, geographic area, etc and then refresh your CRM grid to get your results.  Then select Work with Checked to generate your telesales contacts. 

Generate Telesales Lists

To create your lists you will need to add a contact code, description and assign one or multiple users.

If you assign to multiple users you can assign the list to several users (if there is a limit of the # of users, I doubt you will ever reach it). 

If you need to remove a user, highlight the user and select Remove User.

Once you have filled out the minimum requirements, AMS will tell you how many contacts have been created and remind you what menu option to use to work on your telesales lists. 

Managing the Telesales List(s)

To see the telesales lists, start in the Maintain Customer Contacts menu (PSCUM.MCC) and select Search/View Telesales Contacts.  This will show you all of the telesales contacts for any AMS user or you can filter the contacts with the search criteria. 

If you made a mistake and you need to start over, you can delete the list or you can manage checks and delete a portion of the list.


You also have the option to make changes to the checked list, for example you can change the user, contact date or code, follow up date or code, etc.  See screenshot below for all options.

Working On the List(s)

Since the lists are assigned to a user, you can only work on the list if you are signed in as that particular user. To start working on your current list, select Work on Telesales contacts then double click on a particular contact or select Work On Telesales Contacts to start at the first contact.  You will only be able to work on contacts that are today's date or prior.  If the contact has a future date, you can view it but you cannot work on it.

Once you are in the customer contact screen above, you can do the following actions:

  • complete the contact
  • change the contact/follow up date
  • Set an email reminder to follow up for you or another AMS user
  • Go to the customer record and edit information, add an order, or add contacts/notes

Complete the contact

When you select Complete Contact, the system will automatically populate the completed date with the day's date.  If you choose to do so you can add a result code and/or comment.

Change the contact description and/or follow up date

If you would like to change the follow up date or change the Desc/Comment on the contact, select Change Follow Up Info.

Email Reminder

If you would like to have AMS send an email reminder to follow up with the customer on a specific date or you would like another person to follow up with the customer, select Reminder.

Customer Record

To go to the customer record to edit information, add an order, or add notes or contacts, select Go To Cust.

Helpful tips:

When you are in the customer contact screen you can view customer data from their, such as shipping information, product sales, open orders etc.

To go to next contact after you are finished with the contact you are working on, select Next or Prev Contact to work through the list.  If a customer calls while you are in the middle of the list, select Return to list to search for that customer.

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