Marking a Will Call (Pickup) Order as Picked Up

Marking a Will Call (Pickup) Order as Picked Up

When a customer comes into the tasting room to pickup their wine club shipment and they have an open will call (pickup) order on file, the open order needs to be marked as picked up so that the perpetual inventory in AMS is updated. This also flips the sale from deferred to recognized revenue in the general ledger.

To find the customer and any open orders they may have first select the Bill to Customer button.

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Key the customers last name into the bill to customer field and then hit enter. The system will find all customers with that last name for you too choose from. In the case of a customer with a common last name you will have the chance to narrow your results on the next screen. 

In this case there are many customers with the last name Jones, use the First Name field to fill in part or all of the customers first name to narrow your results and then hit enter. 

Select the appropriate customer by double clicking on their name or by highlighting their record and choosing the select customer button (bottom right). 

Open will call orders will be highlighted Green in the Order list on the bottom left of the screen. Double click on this W/C pending order to bring up the wines that the customer has or will be picked up. 

To mark the order as picked up you will select the Will Call Screen button. 

Everything on this screen should default to the necessary information, in most cases. If you are marking the order as picked up on the same date the physical pickup happend the pickup date will be correct. You will simply need to select the marked as Picked Up button on the bottom right. 

Every company has a bit of a different setup for the defaults in their system, you may have additional steps that are required for you that are not covered here. These differences will be determined by your company internally based on your chosen method of removing will call club orders from inventory. Note also that locations can be overridden on this screen, if you have two locations and the default in the order is not correct make sure to mark the correct location code in the pickup location (opt) field before marking the order as picked up.

Once the order has been marked as picked up select the Done button. This will bring you back to the bill to customer screen. From this point you can hit enter to begin ringing in a same day transaction for that customer or you can pull up a different customer using the bill to customer field. 


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