Cashing Out a Register

Cashing Out a Register

At the end of each day any registers that were cashed in must be cashed out. This is the time where you will count the cash in your drawer again and tell the system what your ending cash count is. As transactions have been entered throughout the day the system has tallied each tender type into a total to display on the cash out screen. Once end of day cash counts are entered the system will be able to calculate an over/short if one exists.


Like the cash in screen, the cash out screen is also accessed from within the touchscreen. From the main transaction entry portion of the touchscreen select the green Clerk/Batch Exit button to be taken to the Clerk Id screen.


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From the clerk id screen select the Cash Out button or select F2 on your keyboard.

You can also select Change Batch from the Clerk Id screen be taken to the Batch Screen where the Cash Out button is also an option.

Because you accessed the cash out screen from within the register the system will automatically fill in the top fields on the screen for you. It pulls from the last clerk that was logged in to the register, so make sure that it has your name at the top of the screen. It will also fill in tasting room, register, date and sequence for the exact register session you selected the cash out button from.

In the counted box on the Cash line (first line) you will enter the total amount of cash you counted. You may have an internal counting sheet that needs to be filled in or you may not. If you do not have a printed count sheet you can use the Cash Count Screen (green button at the bottom of the screen) or F3 on your keyboard. 

On this screen you will key in the physical count (1 penny, 2 penny, 3 penny, 1 quarter, 2 quarter, 3 quarter, etc) into the count field for each coin and paper bill. The system will do the match and calculate the Total Cash. Select Done when you are satisfied with the count and the system will fill in your Counted field on the Cash Out screen for you. 

If you are tracking visitor count you will also want to key the visitor count for the day into the Tasting Room Visitor Count field at the bottom of the screen. 

When you are satisfied with the totals on the cash out screen select the Cash Out (close) button. 

You will see the above message when the batch has been cashed out successfully. 

Any other message then the one shown above is either a warning or an error and must be reviewed before the system can cash that batch out successfully. Examples of other messages might be, N/R Pour transaction not found in batch (proceed?), not all items could be applied to inventory please try again later, etc.

There are levels of security that can be added to each clerk id in the maintain clerk master file that control what options are available on the cash out screen for each clerk.



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