Using Event Codes per Order

Using Event Codes per Order

Alternately to adding an event code as a default on a register batch you can add or change the event code on a per order basis. If you have your touchscreen buttons setup with an event code look up or pre programmed event buttons your team can select one of these buttons to flag that particular order with the selected event code. If you do not have event codes as buttons on your touchscreen you can use the Overrides button to tag that order with an event code.

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Select the Mgr/Overrides button. 

The Mgr/Overrides button does not mean Manager Overrides only. It houses both manager overrides buttons that are locked down by the clerk master file and also generic overrides buttons such as event and coupon code that most users can access.

Select the Event button, this will bring up a list of event codes to choose from. 

The event code that you wish to select must have previously been setup in the Event Code table TRE.

Select the appropriate event code to tag the order with, you will then be brought back to the main product entry portion of the touchscreen with that event code attached to the order. 





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