Maintain Clerk Master File (MCL)

Maintain Clerk Master File (MCL)


The Maintain Clerk Master menu option allows you to add clerks with certain permissions for certain menu options and functions in PSCRM and PSORM, such as Cash Register (TCH)Order Management (PSORM.ORM), Cashing in a RegisterCashing Out a Register, and Inquiring Daily Sales.

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Where Is It Found

Feature Overview & Examples

Clerk File Inquiry

Print the contents of the Tasting Room Clerk Master File using menu option PSFMM.PCL.  

Display the contents of the file using the menu option PSFMM.CLG - Clerk Grid.

Adding a clerk

Type in the new Clerk ID and press enter.  Then, complete all required fields from scratch.

Alternatively, the simplest and most efficient way to "add" a clerk is by modeling or copying an existing one using the Special Function feature.  To copy an existing clerk...

  1. Edit an existing Clerk ID that has the permissions and settings the new clerk should have.
  2. When the existing clerk's settings show on the screen, press enter again to clear the screen and save displayed values in system memory for Special Function's use. 
  3. Enter the new clerk ID and press enter. 
  4. On the blank screen, select Special Function, F2. 
  5. Under Special Function, select Recall Data, F3. This will restore the prior clerk's settings from system memory and assign them to the new clerk. 
  6. Edit password, name, and email fields as necessary, then press enter until the system confirms that the new clerk has been added to the system.

Clerk Capabilities - fields on the clerk master record - Listed horizontally, left to right

Cash In/Cash Out

Is strictly for allowing access to cash out registers in Cash Register (TCH)

Event Maintenance

Allows or disables clerk from performing maintenance of events in the EVM Event Management System. 

Customer Maintenance

Allows or disables clerk from making updates to the CRM database.  If this is set to N, the clerk will NOT be able to access the Customer Management (CRM) from the cash register and edit a customer record.

Tasting Room Message

Allows or disables clerk from making updates to messages that appear on receipts and POS display poles.  This field controls a clerk's access to PSFMM.MTM and PSFMM.MOT.

Other Clerks Orders

Allows or prevents a clerk from editing other clerks' orders. 

Change Prior Batches

When entering the batch screen there is a batch Date field that can be changed to a prior batch, if and only if that prior batch and accounting period are still open. If the clerk does not have a Y or a C in this field they will not be allowed to enter a register from this screen.  The Y allows a clerk to change prior batches if the accounting period and batch are still open, the C allows the clerk to access the current day batch only.  N disallows the clerk from changing the batch and exiting the register and E allows the clerk to exit the register but not change the batch.

Import Buttons Spreadsheet

This permission also determines whether the logged-in Clerk ID has the ability to import the touchscreen button spreadsheet.  If so, the Import Buttons control on the Batch screen appears.  If not, you wouldn't even know it was missing. (Lol (wink))

Reverse prior orders

This allows/disallows a clerk to credit orders.

Edit line items

This allows/disallows a clerk to delete line items, not just void a line item.  If the Maintain Register Master File (MRM) has an N in the edit orders, then even a clerk with this permission will not be able to edit an order unless they are logged into a register that allows editing of line items.

Nosale transactions

Allows/disallows a clerk to use the nosale button on the cash register which is used to open up the cash drawer.

Price/discount overrides and Maximum discount percent

Allows/disallows clerk to enter price or discount overrides.  If set to Y, a percentage value is required in the corresponding Maximum discount field.  

Verification Override

This allows/disallows a clerk to set a card to approved or declined without getting approval from the payment processing company.

Prevent Coupon overrides

If a coupon has expired or was defined for one-time use, this setting allows/disallows a clerk to override the error condition and apply the coupon to the order.

Compliance Override level

Defines what the clerk is allowed to do if using a 3rd party compliance checking service such as Wine Compliance Pro, SOVOS/Ship Compliant, or Avalera. 

  • Code 0 - Override warning not allowed. The clerk must resolve the compliance issue. 
  • Code 1 - Override warning allowed. The clerk may ignore the compliance issue and save the order but withhold it from shipping.   
  • Code 2 - Override warning allowed AND allow / force into shipping without resolving the compliance issue. 

Register Mode Override 

Enables the clerk to switch the touchscreen display from Basic or Advanced display mode.  Used mainly for mobile tablet registers the less functionality needs to be displayed. 

Maximum discount 

Determines the maximum discount the clerk is allowed to extend.  100% is not advised as it negatively impacts financials where average discount and cost of goods are concerned.  For 100% transaction, use the appropriate NO-CHARGE TTX Code instead.

Allow Shipping Charge Edit

Allows or disallows clerk from editing a shipping code's shipping charges as defined in MSC.  Disallowing also prevents clerks from triggering a credit or offset that nets to zero.  This is a handle field to have available, but also skews the actual cost of shipping when used for non-shipping adjustments.

Allow Commission Clerk Override

Allows or disallows the clerk from being able to override the default Commision Clerk ID determined by the system.  For example, an internet order comes in under Clerk ID.  Allowing Commission Clerk Override enables a clerk to claim an online sale for one's self.

Clerk Tip Access Level 

Three values enabling different access to tip information.  Level 1 means the logged in clerk only sees their own tips; Level 2 means a supervisor can see tips for all clerks; Level 3 is like Level 2 except that this Clerk Id can not only see everyone's tip but also change to who their assigned.  Level 3 is reserved for managers who are assumed to have the authority to change a tip assignment in the first place.  

Clerk Access 

Tasting Rooms

This setting ensures a clerk only has access to tasting rooms that they should have access to for companies having multiple physical or logical tasting rooms.  FOr example, if your wine club is organized under Tasting Room 2 and the Clerk ID should not have access to Tasting Room 2 transactions, change Tasting Room * (=all) to Tasting Room 1.

Transactions Types and Transaction Categories

If certain clerks should only have access to specific transaction types and categories, these are the fields used to limit the clerk.  If the clerk is allowed access to all, then the wildcard or ** can be used in these fields.  This is a great way to restrict RETURNS or NOCHARGE transaction types that the clerk may not yet be qualified to perform.

Tender Types 

If the clerk is only authorized to process a certain tender type - CASH or VISA/MASTERCARD, for example - define that limitation here. Otherwise, ** means the clerk can complete payment on a transaction using ANY available tender type. 

Prevent access to registers in CC verify mode 'A' and 'M'

Allows or disallows clerk from processing "fix it" transactions using a register that that is in Auto or Manual mode.

Clerk is inactive

Blank for active, I for inactive.  Clerk ID's cannot be deleted because Clerk is part of the order history.  When a clerk quits, mark their Clerk ID as inactive to reduce the number of choices displayed when "Show All Clerks" is selected on the register. 

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