Maintain Shipping Charges (MSC)

Maintain Shipping Charges (MSC)

When entering orders in the tasting room, back office or customers placing them online, the system will auto calculate shipping charges based on rates previously loaded into the Maintain Shipping Charges (PSFMM.MSC) screen. The system uses shipping codes that are user defined along with shipping rates that are user loaded to calculate shipping fees per order. The recommended best practice for shipping codes is to include a designation for carrier, level of service, zone and whether the charge is taxable or not. When adding implementing shipping codes for the first time our recommendation follows the codes shown below. When adding new shipping codes to preexisting codes following the existing format is recommended for consistency. Shipping codes can be up to four characters and are referenced on the ship to information screen when entering orders into the touchscreen.


1st Character: U=UPS, F=Fedex, G=GSO


2nd Character: G=Ground. O=Overnight, 2=2nd Day Air


3rd Character: T=Taxable, if the code is not for taxable it is 0 for first digit in zone


4th Character: 1-9 for zone numbers.


Example: UG01= UPS Ground Zone 1, U2T9= UPS 2nd Day Taxable Zone 9, FG01= FedEx Ground Zone 1, FOT6= FedEx Overnight Taxable Zone 6


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