Part Look up within Register

Part Look up within Register


When ringing a transaction on the Cash Register (TCH) there is a part look up function to find a part that is not located on the buttons or that simply cannot be found.  The part lookup field is above the number hot keys on the register. 

There are multiple ways to search for a part #, see screenshots below for examples.

Type in a ? mark in the part lookup field and hit enter. From here, choose the look up method- by part #, label code, or tier.  In this example, we will type 1 to search by part #.

The screen will direct the clerk on how to see more entries.  Once the # selection is made the part will populate in the transaction.

Instead of typing a ? mark in the part look up field, select the ? button.  From here, the clerk can type in part of the part # in the field on the left or the part description in the field on the right.  Highlight the part and press enter or double click on the part and the part will populate in the transaction.

Select the abc button and type in the first letters or numbers of the part # that you know.  The system takes the clerk to the same screen above, its just a different way of getting there and by selecting the abc button the system is looking for the part #, not the description.

One final option is to type in the first letters or numbers of the part # known followed by a ? into the part look up field.

This will take the clerk straight into the look up by part # screen but the part lookup screen will start with part #'s BN.



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