Carry Sale Order Entry

Carry Sale Order Entry

The majority of transactions that process through a tasting room register are carry sale transactions, the customer walks in to taste, pays for their tasting and/or purchases wine and walks out with that wine. Generally each physical tasting room register will have a default transaction type that is a carry sale, meaning the register will automatically assume you are going to ring in a carry sale unless you tell it otherwise. This will walk you through one such transaction where only guest count, tasting fees and wine products are part of the sale and no items are to be shipped.

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The default transaction type for the above register is a carry sale from tr, meaning items rung in will automatically be removed from the TR locations perpetual inventory. Begin by ringing in the items that are to be a part of the order. In this case we will hit guest count twice (we are tracking guest count by part number) to track that two people visited, one tasting fee as they shared one tasting, and then the wine they purchased.


Once all items are entered in the order, verify they are correct and then select tender accept suspend, the bottom right red button. Please see the Tender Accept Suspend page for the options on the tender screen.