Recording Pours

Recording Pours

For every bottle that is poured in the tasting room each day you should be recording it as part of a No Charge Pour transaction at the end of each day. Every winery has their own method for tracking pours during the day, however they are all recorded the same in the AMS touchscreen.

From within the main screen of the touchscreen select the brown No Charge/Pours button at the top of the screen. This will bring up your predefined no charge transaction options as defined on your button spreadsheet.

The exact order in which you see these buttons will vary based on your individual button spreadsheet setup. Our recommendation is that your No Charge Pours button be bright yellow regardless of where you place it among the other no charge options

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Select the No Charge Pours transaction type. From this point on in this transaction every product entered in as poured will be done so at no charge or $0.00. This is done to remove the items from inventory and to process the cost of goods and to record zero dollars in revenue for the transaction.

In the above transaction one bottle of 2010 Byron's Cabernet Sauvignon was added to the order at no charge and recorded as a pour. Once you have entered all of the items poured that day into the order select tender accept and then accept order. 

The transaction type for Pours can be setup to trigger a warning on the Cash Out Screen if a No Charge Pour transaction is not present in that days batch. This is turned on in the TTX table for the selected pours transaction type.