Tender Accept Suspend Screen

Tender Accept Suspend Screen

Prior to every order being completed in a touchscreen transaction clerks must pass through the tender accept suspend screen. This is the step where the order is tendered and if a credit card is being used the card is sent for authorization for the charge.

The buttons that you see on this screen are controlled by the button spreadsheet and what tender button types are defined. When a register is set up to process credit card transaction, based on the register master file, the Swipe/Enter Card button will appear regardless of button spreadsheet setup. If you have linked the order to a customer from the bill to customer screen you may also see Use CC on file (....1111) where the four numbers are the last four of the credit card that customer has on file.

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The button you select will be determined by how the customer will be paying for their order. The four options which are generally chosen are outlined below with notes on the steps to take for them.