Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


This ZZZ controls optional receipt behavior.

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Free Form Data Examples

Y,Y,Y,Please leave your email address with us!,Y,Y
Prnt on CC RCPT:Form,Orig Clk,Email,Txt for email,Barcode,Declned
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Parameter 1 - Print MOT Y/N

If set to yes this option will print the info entered in the Maintain Tape Optional Text (MOT).

Parameter 2 - Print Original Clerk Y/N

If set to yes this option will force the original clerk of the order to print.

If set to no this option will print the last clerk who touched the order.

Parameter 3 - Print Email Option Y/N

If set to yes this option will print a line at the bottom of your receipt for your customer to leave their email address.

Parameter 4 - Print Optional Text Above Email Line

If Parameter 3 is set to yes then you can also add text above the email line.

Parameter 5 - Print Barcode Y/N

If set to yes this option will print a barcode at the bottom of your receipt that you can scan into the Cash Register (TCH) to pull up the sale.

Parameter 6 - Print Receipt with Decline Tender Y/N

If set to yes this option will print a receipt for a decline tender. By default AMS does not print a receipt with a declined tender.