


PSTABCTL controls the behavior of the POS touchscreen when configured for use in P=Tip mode or T=Table/Open tab mode.

DEFAULT - Five parameters. 

If the PSTABCTL ZZZ is not found and does not exist, the program's default parameters are  Y,Y,30,Y,N

Example Free-Form Entries 


1st parm, Yes/No. Print Preliminary Receipt (i.e., Print a receipt after a successful Pre-Authorization)

2nd parm, Yes/No. Print Ending Receipt (i.e., Print a receipt after capturing an optional Tip/Gratuity amount and successful Post-Authorization)

3rd parm, value 0 to 99. Percentage over the transaction amount DUE to pre-auth for. If invalid or blank, system defaults to 30%. You need to understand how pre-auths and tips work to set this appropriately.

Another example can be seen in a restaurant transaction. If an individual spends $40 at a meal, the server does not know how large a tip they will leave if they choose to leave one on the card. The restaurant's credit card terminal is typically set to authorize a larger amount, such as 20% above the cost of the meal, but the transaction will settle for the actual total including the actual tip written on the receipt. Some restaurants will authorize just the amount of the bill but the transaction will settle higher with the tip included. This type of settlement (for an amount higher than the authorized amount) is only possible when the original authorization was executed with a specific merchant category code (hospitality). It is not possible in eCommerce or retail environments.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_hold#Holds_for_differing_amounts

4th parm, Yes/No. Print Tip line on register receipts

5th parm, Yes/No. Suppress Tip screens. (Only applies to register in T=Table/Open Tab mode.) After a successful Pre-Authorization, do not display the TIP button on the Tender screen or the customer-facing Tip/Gratuity screen.

DEFAULT Parameters.  If the PSTABCTL ZZZ is not found, the program's default parameters are  Y,Y,30,Y,N

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