



Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


This optional ZZZ is used by programs that commit orders in ShipCompliant to enable identifying orders by their fulfillment account location. At WineShipping.com, also known as Third Party Credentials.

A ZZZ entry is required for each fulfillment account needed. ZZZ's may named so as to enable identifying the fulfillment account to which is belongs. The first 17 characters of the 20 charter entry must be SVC1FULFILLACC-T-. The last three may be used as desired.

SPT Shipping Point and Tasting Room arguments are separated by comma.

Free Form Data Examples

For ZZZ Name = SVC1FULFILLACC-T-P (Fulfillment Account Description=PremiumWines)
For ZZZ Name = SVC1FULFILLACC-T-W (Fulfillment Account Description=WonderWines)

In the example...

  • WS defines SPT from Central Tables (e.g., WS=WineShipping)
  • 1/2/3/4 define the Tasting Rooms belonging to PremiumWines
  • 5/6/7 define the Tasting Rooms belonging to WonderWines

Tasting Room ID's are purposely delimited with a back slash ("/")

NOTE: ZZZ Descriptions are CAseseNSiTIVe and must match the CASE defined at the fulfillment house. PremiumWines and PREMIUMWINES are not equal. The SCAPI does not resolve or handle and requires an exact match.

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