



Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


This optional ZZZ entry is used by programs that export order data per extract format code "205" – the FORT system's WSN 205 format (a.k.a., "WSN5").

This entry enables you to override the derived default text that appears in the OrderType column of the export, based on the specific TCH register that created the transaction. A ZZZ entry is defined for each Register ID needing this feature and is formatted as PSWSN5REG? where '?' is replaced by the actual register ID. Consequently, you may have several of these optional ZZZ entries defined.

For reference, the default derivation of OrderType is as follows:

  1. When no “PSWSN5REG?” entry for the order’s register, and order’s register is “$”, load “CLUB”.
  2. When no “PSWSN5REG?” entry for the order’s register, and the SOURCE begins with “AMS”, load “INTERNET”
  3. When no “PSWSN5REG?” entry for the order’s register, and the SOURCE is non-blank, load the SOURCE
  4. When “PSWSN5REG?” exists for the order’s register, load 1st 20 characters of the ZZZ’s FREE FORM DATA.


Free Form Data Examples

See images below.
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Assuming Register '$' and 'X' were used to create the following orders, the ZZZ examples above would result in a WSN 205 export with OrderType populated as shown below.