Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


This ZZZ entry causes the API commit program to create ShipCompliant TAGS on daily orders for financial reporting and tracking. For club orders per shipments under Register '$', please see ZZZ SVC1PSTAGCLUB  

Valid options are:

  1. TTX (Transaction Type Code). Option yields one tag containing the TTX code and its description. See Example 1 below.
  2. CFCC,TTCD (Customer Financial Code and Tasting Room Transaction Category Description). Option yields two tags: one of just the CFC Code and another of just the TTC Description. See Example 2 below.
  3. CFC,TTX (Customer Financial Code and Transaction Type Code); Option yields two tags: one of the CFC Code and its description, and another of the TTX code and its description. See Example 3 below.

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The ZZZ entry shown above would result in orders with a ShipCompliant TAG as shown below.  Per the example, (TTX 1SHWI) followed by its TTX Code description SHIP SALE WALK-IN-WS.



The ZZZ entry shown above would result in orders with ShipCompliant TAGS as shown below.  Per the example, CFC Code 93 appears as the first ShipCompliant order tag and TTC Description E-COMMERCE as the second. 


The ZZZ entry shown above would result in orders with ShipCompliant TAGS as shown below.  Per the example, (TTX 1SHWI) followed by its TTX Code description SHIP SALE WALK-IN-WS appears as the first ShipCompliant Tag and (CFC 92) followed by its CFC Code description VISITOR CENTER.