

Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


This ZZZ - PROJSHIPCYMDCTL - is used in the online shopping cart and the Custom Wine Club feature of the PS system. 

The ZZZ controls what may be specified as the "Projected or Requested Ship Date" that a consumer wine club member may specify when customizing their custom wine club order. 

Like the need to update a delivery address or the payment card to be used for payment processing, this ZZZ was developed to obviate the need for the consumer wine club member to have to contact the winery back-office to request a change of delivery date.  The date is recorded in the wine club order.  The winery staff will need to observe changes in a projected ship date and filter in ORM accordingly. 

The ZZZ takes three parameters as defined below

DAYS=A seven-position argument representing each of the seven days of the week.  On what days of the week does the winery ship?DAYS=NYYYNNN

Position 1, Sunday, No ship 

Position 2-4, Monday-Wednesday, OK to ship

Position 5-7, Thursday-Saturday, No ship

The DEFAULT is DAYS=NYYYYYYN, OK to ship Monday thru Friday.

BEFORE=A numeric value from 0 to 30 that that specifies how many days BEFORE the winery's original projected ship date that club members can specify for advanced shipping.  Values greater than 30 are treated as 30, the maximum number of days allowed.




Do not allow requesting advanced shipping dates. 

Allow choosing a shipping date that is no more than five days in advance of the original projected ship date. 

Allow choosing a shipping date that is not more than seven days in advance of the original projected ship date.

The DEFAULT is BEFORE=0, do not allow advanced shipping dates.


A numeric value from 0 to 180 that specifies how many days AFTER the winery's original projected ship date the club member can specify for delayed shipping.    Values greater than 180 are treated as 180, the maximum number of days allowed.




Do not allow requesting future shipping dates

Allow delayed shipping up to 90 days from the original projected ship date. 

Alow delayed shipping up to 180 days from the original projected ship date.

The default is AFTER=0, do not allow requesting future shipping dates.

Free Form Data Examples

DAYS=NYYYYYN | BEFORE=0 | AFTER=0 (these are the program's default settings)
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