



Do you find yourself wondering.....What the heck is a ZZZ?  How do I make one? Why would I want to?

Don't fret, over the eons many a noted sage has asked the very same questions.

Please read Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)!


ZZZ entry INPACKEFF is used to enable specifying effective dates on non-stock package parts. This enables you to recycle package part numbers year after year by changing the part's components instead of having to create a new package part. For example, a holiday catalog item might contain two bottles of wine in a wooden box. Year over year, the box remains but the vintage of each wine changes. Formerly, you would have to create a new package part number and define it with the current vintage. This ZZZ entry makes a new package part number unnecessary. Instead, you update the components of the existing package part with new wines as-of an effective date.

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ZZZ entry enables the Component Maintenance control on the ACP Add/Change Parts screen ...

...that supports effective dates on Non-Stock Package Type 3.