Defining and Maintaining Fee Codes

Defining and Maintaining Fee Codes

Fee codes are maintained in Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes (BICDM.CMC):

  Enter "HFC" in the Table Code box (upper left). Alternatively click the down arrow next to the box, and select HFC from the list that appears.

GL Accounts for Fees

GL accounts for fees are recorded two places in AMS. The default GL code for fees, BIFEE, is recorded in the central table ACT – Item Code BIFEE. The default GL code is used when a GL code is not specified when setting up the fee in HFC (Harvest Fee Codes).
When entering the Harvest Fee Code, a GL account is not required. But any GL account entered here will override the default GL account for fees (Central Table ACT – Code Item BIFEE). By entering GL accounts for each fee type you can record different fees to their own GL account(s). If relying on a default GL account for fees, they'll all be recorded to the same account.
If most fees go to the same GL account, try using the default (leave GL account blank when setting up fees). Then, for the exceptions supply a GL account when setting up fees. It will override the default GL account for those fees only.
When you try to post to A/P you'll receive an error if you have fees where the GL code is not defined.

Here you'll enter or maintain codes to describe each fee. Each code has a description, it specifies whether the fee is assessed as a percent or amount per ton, the amount of the fee, and how much of it, if any, the grower pays.  Select a code to edit by using the glyph to access the look up table or type in the code in the green field. If changing an existing entry the current field values will display. Make changes as necessary and accept your changes, the system will confirm when changes are saved.

Add a new code by typing its name in to the Harvest Fee Code box and press enter. Codes can be from one to four positions long and may contain any combination of letters and numbers.  If adding a code, provide its Description, Calculation Type (per ton, or percent), Amount/Percent, the percent of the fee the grower pays, and the GL account the fee will be recorded to.  If the grower pays the entire fee enter 100, for 100%. If the winery pays the entire fee, enter 0 for 0% or leave the field blank. Press enter to accept your changes. If you wish to cancel press F7, click the Cancel Add button in the lower right of the screen, or press the escape (ESC) key on your keyboard.


Your entry is confirmed:
We've now setup our fee. The next step is applying it to our contract.

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