Grape and Overhead $ Additions

Grape and Overhead $ Additions

Table of Contents




Feature Setup & Control

See Pricing and Payments for more information on adding the grape dollars to the contracts. 

To add production overhead $'s to the system you will need to create and Add $'s transaction code and an addition code in the Maintain Addition Codes menu (MAC) for every type of overhead $'s you want to add.  For example, if you want to separate overhead from crush overhead and depreciation you would need to add 3 addition codes, one for overhead, one for crush overhead, and one for depreciation.  See screenshots below:

Step 1: ADD$ Transaction code table example:

Step 2: Add your $ addition code

Example of additional addition codes:


Feature Overview & Examples

Contract $ Calculation

To add grape dollars to AMS you will need to enter the pricing into the grape contract.  The contract totals and total dollars per ton will not be calculated until the contract is marked as all tons in. 

Once you mark the contract as all tons in, you will need to do a recompute to see the calculations and to view the dollars in the Tank Status Inquiry screen or any reports. 

The screenshot below is an example of the view from the Tank Status Inquiry screen before you mark the contract as All Tons In and do a recompute:

The screenshot below is an example of the view from Tank Status Inquiry after the contract is marked as All Tons In and a recompute is done:

You will also see that the totals in the grape contract are updated and there is no longer a message that says Not Calculated:

Marking and Unmarking Contracts as Tons All In

Contracts can be marked as Tons All In individually or in mass.  To Mark them individually, select the contract to be marked as Tons All In and check the box in the General Info Screen of the contract.  The All tons in as of date will default to the last Received date, the Received date is coming from the Received date on the contract's weigh tag.

When entering the grape contract menu, all of the contracts are automatically checked.  To mark all contracts as All Tons In, simply select Work with Checked, to mark multiple contracts but not all of them, uncheck the contracts that should not be marked as All Tons In and then select Work with Checked. 

Then select Mark Contracts All Tons In.  Once selected you will receive a message to do a recompute in order to update the Total dollars and Total dollars per ton.  Also, if there are contracts that do not have any weigh tags received you will all receive a warning message regarding that.

This is also where contracts can be Unmarked as All Tons In.  Follow the same steps above but select Unmark Contracts as All In.  You will receive a warning message to do a recompute to remove the Total dollars and Total dollars per ton.

Recompute to Calculate $'s

When Contracts are Marked as All Tons In you will need to do a recompute to calculate the Total dollars and Total dollars per ton.  On the recompute screen, there will be a message that says the date the grape contracts are applied to.  That date will be the date of the very first weigh tag receipt.  In order to see any of the dollars for the contracts after that first receipt date you will need to recompute from the save code prior to that date. 

Adding Overhead $'s to tanks and barrels

To add Overhead $'s to reconcile to your GL, you will need to have a save code for the end of each month.  To create a save code for the end of the month, you will actually create a save code for the first of each month.  For example, if you create a 10/01/16 save code, you will be saving the balances for bulk wine as of 09/30/16.  Save codes are as of 12:01am on the date listed.  To add $'s to the month of September, go to the Tank Status Menu and select the 10/01 save code.

If you are adding $'s to all tanks and barrels, select work with checked.  If you only want to add $'s to specific tanks or barrels, you can use any of the filters to narrow down your selection or deselect the tanks you do not want to add $'s to and select Work with checked

Then select Use Selected in Cost Application:

You can do multiple batches for a specific save code, but each batch needs to have a unique number.  The transaction date is populated automatically and is based on the save code date that was chosen on the TSI grid.  You can also specify what type of $'s you are adding to the tanks, for example, crush overhead, barrel depreciation, etc.  The only required fields for this screen is the batch # and at least 1 line with a $ amount and code.  After all the information is added, either select calculate or View Details and Apply.  if you select calculate, it will display a summary of the $ addition on the same screen. Selecting View Details and Apply takes you to another screen to view a detailed grid of the $'s added to each tank. 

When Calculate is selected:

Selecting Calculate does not apply the dollars.  View Details and Apply is the only way to actually apply the dollars to the Tanks.

When View Details and Apply is selected:

After reviewing the $'s added to the tanks, if no changes need to be made select Apply Costs to Inventory.  Selecting that will also prompt you to build a spreadsheet so you don't need to select Build a spreadsheet before selecting Apply costs:

You will receive a couple more prompts before the system applies the costs, so do not exit out until you receive the message that the costs have been applied.  Notice after the costs have been applied, you have the option to delete the batch transactions if you realize a mistake was made after the costs were applied.

If you realize that you need to remove the $'s for a month at a later date, you can delete the batch by choosing the appropriate save code in the TSI screen and typing in batch # and the Add $'s transaction code.  For example, if I need to delete batch #1 for the month of September, I would choose the October 1st save code in the TSI screen, and do the same steps as above,  select Work with checked, select Use Selected in Cost application, fill in Batch #1 and Add $s transaction.  The delete Batch transactions button will appear along with a message that existing transactions found for the batch. 

To see the $'s applied in the tanks and reports, you will need to do a recompute to update the system.

TSI screen after recompute: