Pricing and Payments

Grape Pricing

Your contract can have a fixed total $ price, specify a price per ton, price per acre, or use averages.


Scheduling Payment Dates

Scheduled payment dates can be set by days from last load, a date you enter, or a mix of days and dates.

The Amount to Pay

You may specify payments by the dollar amount to pay, by percentage and 3 or 6 payments (dollar and percent mix is not allowed).

The example below is a mix of payment dates and days from delivery of the contract's last load:

The entry above specifies payments 30 days from contract completion (33%), then December 15, 2010 (33%), and January 1, 2011 (34%).

How Many Payments

Up to six payments per contract may be scheduled.

Indicate the percent or dollar amount to be paid at each payment interval and press return. In our example, above, we're requesting six payments using the percentage method.
If you make just a single payment, enter 100, for 100%. Your payment amounts will be calculated and displayed for you.
If the payment request has been sent to A/P AMS displays the amount sent. In our example, we haven't yet sent the payment to Accounts Payable.

Bonuses and Penalties

Up to three bonuses or penalties may be entered per contact.

For each bonus or penalty you'll select the bonus or penalty type from the pull down list, specify the dollar amount, and the type (Total Dollars, Per Ton, or Per Acre).
Penalty determinations, other than brix, are made outside AMS and entered here. For each type of penalty, enter a description, type, and dollar amount. Once you've declared a penalty, AMS calculates it for you.
After pressing return, the system calculates your penalty and it displays in the summary pane to the right of the penalty entry fields (arrow, above).

Brix Bonuses/Penalties

AMS will assess and calculate Brix penalties when all conditions in the list below are met.

  • A brix range is specified on the Grape Contract Maintenance Screen
  • A Bonus/Penalty, with the word "brix" in its description, is defined on the Grape Contract Maintenance – Pricing and Payments Screen
  • Brix is provided in the harvest analysis on the weigh tag and entered to AMS
  • The brix reported on the weigh tag is outside the range specified on the Grape Contract Maintenance – Pricing and Payments Screen

If a weigh tag is entered without a brix entry it will generate a penalty if zero brix is out of range.
If a penalty is defined for brix, it must use the word brix in the description. If it uses another word for brix such as sugar or balling, AMS will not recognize the brix bonus/penalty entry.
When there is more than one weigh tag for a contract weighted average brix of the weigh tags is used to test for out of range.

Specifying Brix Ranges

Enter your brix range as shown above (red box).

Defining a brix bonus or penalty

On the Grape Contract Maintenance - Pricing and Payments screen:

Select your brix penalty or bonus in any of the three penalty fields using the pull down menu. Enter the amount of the penalty, and the units of measure (per ton, per acre, or total dollars). Then press enter. Press enter a second time to accept your penalty entry. Miscellaneous Costs

You may have fixed costs relevant to the cost of these grapes and the wine made from them which aren't paid directly to the grower. Hauling charges, broker fees, fees for crush and fermentation are examples. Miscellaneous costs are entered at the contract level in fixed amounts, rather than per ton, or per acre.
Costs entered in Miscellaneous Costs add to your grape and wine cost, but aren't paid to the grower. A summary of costs associated with this contact are shown in the tan area of the screen (smaller red box, above).