How to Add a Grape Contract

How to Add a Grape Contract

  1. Select Change Grape Contract Master (BICTM.CGC) from the menu tree by double clicking. 


2. Select Add Contract, the blue button on the right of the screen. This will take you to the Grape Contract Maintenance Screen where you will enter the details of the new contract. 


Contract Code – Enter your 6 character alpha/numerical code for your Contract. Because you can copy your contracts year-to-year, it is recommended that you not include the vintage in your Contract Code. 

Vintage - Select the Vintage year of the contract and select the Enter button to proceed. 

Description – Enter the Description of the contract. It is recommended that you not include the vintage in your description so you can copy this contract year-to-year. Select the Enter button. 

Master Contract – Select the Master Contract Grower from the drop down list. This would be the vendor or who is going to get paid. You can add a second vendor if you are splitting the payment. Select Add and this will take you to a different screen to do that. Otherwise, select the Enter button to continue. 

Vineyard – Select the Vineyard from the drop down arrow and the Grower, Appellation and District will fill in with information you entered in the vineyard master. Select the Enter button. 

Variety – Select the Variety from the drop down that links to this contract. 

Clone – This is an optional field used in conjunction with the Ag Management program. If you wish to track Clone within the vineyard, it is recommended that you do so by breaking down the vineyard code for those sections that are specific to a Clone and it will then be tracked in the composition and you can sort and report on it. If you just want to note it on the contract and weigh tags, you can fill it in at this point and it will automatically display on the weigh tag, but it will not be able to be reported or sorted upon. 

Intended Use – This is an optional field that will indicate a contract or grape with an Intended Use as it is entered on a weigh tag. You may want to select the intended use of NA=Not Applicable at this point, so it will load automatically on each weigh tag where it is a required field. This can be changed at that time as well. 

Contract Type – This is the Type of Contract you are setting up and is used for the grape crush report and other reporting option within the system. 

Block – This is an optional field use in conjunction with the Ag Management program. If you wish to track Block within the vineyard, it is recommended that you do so by breaking down the vineyard code for those sections that are specific to that Block and it will then be tracked in the composition and you can sort and report on it. If you just want to note it on the contract and weigh tags, you can fill it in at this point and it will automatically display on the weigh tag, but it will not be able to be reported or sorted upon. 

Acres – This is an optional field that can be used to indicate the Acres that the contract represents. It is used for reporting reasons on projection reports and inquiry screens. 

Minimum Tons – This is an optional field to indicate if you were going to have a penalty for not receiving the Minimum Amount of Tons on a contract. 

Brix Range (Min and Max) - This is an optional field used for Penalty Calculations. 

Brix Bonus Range (Min and Max) - This is an optional field used for Bonus Calculations.

Contract Expires on – This is an optional field used to track the Contract Expiration Dates so you can see what contracts are coming to an end and renegotiate them if desired. 

All Tons in AsOf – This is an optional field at the time you set up your contract. It becomes a required field at the time you complete the last load of the contract. This will then send the information for payment as well as ignore any tons projected but not received for reporting within the system. 

Harvest Date and Ton's Projected – This is optional, but can help to track projections within the system inquiry and reporting. 

Crush Plant – This is an optional field to set the default for the plant the contract will be received at. Select the Save.

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