Master Contracts

Master Contracts

Master Contracts allow multiple contracts with a grower to be consolidated for payment. They also allow monies to be split between two payees, if needed. Every contract must have a master contract.

Click the Add/Edit Master button (red box, above) or press F4 to begin.
The Grape Contract Maintenance – Master Contract Information screen is displayed.

The screen automatically comes up in Add mode. To toggle to edit, click the blue Edit button (red box, above) or press the F2 key.
Below is an example of a completed Grape Contract Maintenance – Master Contract Information screen showing a grower with only one payee.

Clicking the arrow next to the Vendor field brings up an accounts payable vendor grid screen. Here you can select a vendor. If the vendor is new it may be added on the vendor screen, then selected.
We've entered 100 percent, since there is only one payee for this contract. If monies are split between two payees (joint venture, broker, or lender), identify each vendor and indicate the percent of payment they'll receive. You can pay up to two vendors for each master contract.

Linking to a Master Contract

On the Grape Contract Maintenance screen use the Master Contract section, shown in the red box, below to associate this contract with a master contract.

Link this contract to your master contract using the field highlighted by the red box, above. If you know the acronym for the master contract you may just type it in. Or look it up by clicking the glyph (down arrow) highlighted by the smaller red box, above. Then select the master contract from a list.