Standard Costs Menu INFMM Option CSC

Standard Costs Menu INFMM Option CSC


This menu option is used to maintain the standard cost of parts that are entered into the system. This information is used to obtain information across the system, including the General Ledger.

You can either enter standard cost by the case or by the unit. If you enter the unit cost and then go back in to view the case cost the system will calculate it for you and vice versa!


If you are a Direct Importer please see Purchase Price Costing in the IN Overview and set up guide. Please contact the AMS helpdesk and reference this doc.

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Where Is It Found

Entering Standard Costs

First, you need to decide if you want to enter your costs by Case or by Unit. Then press enter.

On the following screen, you will enter your part number, or you can use the GIF to use the lookup to find the part number.

Component Parts Standard Cost Screen

You can do one of two things, you can enter the total cost and only have one entry or you can enter the component costs and the system will give you a total cost. If you enter the component costs, the system will post your Production Journal to the General Ledger to relieve the values of the components and add the total to the finished goods.

The above example shows the component parts and the total cost for the part based on those standard costs. If the cost “as of” is blank the system will always use that cost for any purchases and/or sales until there is another as of date and cost filled in. If there is a date in it will be effective as of that month and year.

Total Cost Standard Cost Maintenance

If you would just like to put in the total cost then use code TOTL and then fill in the total cost per case/unit for that part. This would be the appropriate way to enter cost on merchandise, however, wine should always be entered with components parts for the production journal to post correctly.


When entering cost for multiple parts you can copy from a similar part and then change the necessary fields.