Customer Maintenance (Page 1)

Customer Maintenance (Page 1)

Customer numbers are auto added sequentially. In the template field fill in the state in which the customer lives or if adding a new wine club member fill in your wine club customer template code for that state (usually C followed by the state, CA would be CCA).Each company creates and defines their own customer master default templates, yours may follow a slightly different format than the example.

If you are adding a new customer to the database and also need to link a previously created order to that new customers record, fill in the order number in the order number field at the top right of the screen. You should be able to find the order number on the top left corner of the receipt if you are reading off a receipt.


Hit enter to begin adding customer information to the new customer record. The system will pop up a message at the bottom of the screen, in red writing, with the order total as a double check feature to make sure you have linked the correct order to that customer.

Press F1 to accept and begin entering customer information. 

If you have skipped the step of linking an order to that customer because there wasn't one to link, you will skip the above step and be taken directly to entering customer information. 

Last Name, First Name, Street and Zip code are the only required fields on the customer record.

City and state information will fill in from the street and zip code combination. Country will default to USA but can be filled in with the country of choice, based on the address information provided. 

We recommend that you set your system to prompt with a warning if phone and email are missing. 

Customer information is entered Last Name and then First Name. Hit Enter after filling in name information to be taken to the next required field,

Street. When street has been filled in tab to zipcode to fill in the last required field. 

Fill in phone number and email information as provided by the customer.

Hit enter. At this point the system will check for possible duplicate customers and verify that all of the address information provided is valid. The system will also ensure that the email address contains an @symbol followed by domain, but will not verify if it is a valid email address prior to the domain name.

Hit enter to move to page 2 of the customer record. 

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