Uploading Tables to Support Average Price Calculations

Uploading Tables to Support Average Price Calculations

If using average pricing based on one or more years you must have tables to support the calculation. To upload your table, begin by choosing Import Crush Report Data, red box, below:

You'll be asked for the vintage your data represents. Enter the two digit vintage code:

Vintage codes may be looked up by entering a question mark (question) and pressing return. But it's hard to imagine you'd need to…two digit vintage numbers are pretty easy to remember.
Press enter, or click the "Accept" button, above, to continue.
You'll be asked to select the file you wish to upload:

Identify the file on your PC to use and click the Open button to continue.
Note: If the file you're trying to upload is open you won't be able to upload. You'll receive an error message. If this happens to you, just close the file and try your upload again.
The data you're uploading will display in a grid, so you can check it prior to importing:

Use the scroll bars to review your data. If it looks correct, press the yellow Import Grape Costs button to import the data. If the data is not as expected, press the Cancel Import button.

After clicking Import Grape Costs you're returned to the Grape Contract Management Screen.