Custom Wine Club - an ORM Group Option


Where Is It Found

Process Overview

Process Overview

The custom club workflow is identical to the current process with only slight modification. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved.

  1. Authorize 8-10 hours of programming time to enable each shopping cart.

  2. Define an ORM Wine Club Group.

  3. Define packages for each combination of wine club and wine preference desired. Designate packages as [x] Custom Club and define a date range during which time, orders will be available online for customization.

    1. Define the package's default content by entering part numbers and quantities. Permanent orders will be created with these wine or item parts.

    2. Define add-on items by entering part numbers without quantities. These items will not be part of permanent orders but will be offered when members view their orders online.

  4. Create permanent orders as usual.

  5. Notify the membership that orders are available online. Members can review their order and customize it or do nothing at all. Back-office is free to customize as usual.

  6. Review orders and resolve those with issues before payment processing. Problems include orders that were modified online but were not saved or failed to meet any rules you've defined.

  7. When ready, process payment as usual. Print documents, extract orders, and send orders to fulfillment.

Each step is further defined below.

Getting started .... Create an ORM group as usual

Launch ORM and choose [Work with Groups]

Menu Option PSORM.ORM
Menu Option PSORM.ORM

Create [New Group]

Group Selection Screen
Group Selection Screen

Give it a name and designate group type as (•) Wine Club

[Accept] to close and save

Highlight grid row containing the new group and [Select] to open.

The system manages checkmarks in the Custom column.

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