Corporate Gifting


Creating orders for businesses or private individuals who gift wine to clients and friends is frequent around the year-end holidays.  Accommodating gifting requests is usually done by clerks entering gift orders, one at a time, or creating a single charge that contains many ship-to lines (i.e., per gift recipient) having one or more gift items. The process can be very time-consuming and error-prone as orders are keyed in and charged manually, one by one. 

ORM's Corporate Gifting feature eliminates manual processing. It enables you to import an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of gift recipients' "ship-to" information, to significantly reduce the time and labor otherwise needed to fulfill corporate gifting.  The required steps are similar to a typical wine club process: define an ORM group, define packages by a wine preference for the group, then generate an order or multiple orders containing gift shipments from a list of gift recipients provided by your customer.

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Central Table References

Where Is It Found

Feature Overview

This feature streamlines and simplifies the process of entering orders having multiple ship-to entries. In this process, you will generate a template to send to your customer, prepare and import their ship-to information, and create the order in a similar process as creating a Wine Club Run- Step by Step.

Getting Started

Download the Ship-To Import Gifting Template (Excel) 

First, generate the import template from the ORM Group Maintenance screen (Version v2021-11).  Or, download the spreadsheet using the link below.

 GHC Corporate Gifting Ship-To Address Import Template (v2021-11).xls

Send the template to your gift-giving customers.  The template is how gift-givers will provide you with the names and addresses of their gift recipients. Do not change the sequence of columns or the column header names.  Doing so will result in import errors. 

In the template, the columns highlighted in yellow are required data elements.  All others are optional.  

Circumstance will vary

While all non-yellow columns are "Optional," your circumstances and processes may require them instead. For example, 

  • A gift recipient's DOB Birthdate may be optional, but without it, compliance checking software cannot verify the gift recipient's age. A missing birthdate will most likely result in a compliance checking error.
  • A phone number may be optional, but if you use the services of a 3rd party shipper, their data upload portals may require it.  For sure, if you fulfill in-house and use the UPS Worldship or FedEx ShipManager shipping software, a missing phone number will produce an error when labeling. 
  • An email address may be optional, but unexpected gifts have the highest rate of return of all shipped wine.  Without an email address, the common carriers cannot send tracking information and customary notification of shipments. 

Workflow Overview

When the customer submits their list for processing, do the following.

  1. Review the file to reconfirm its column format.
  2. Review to confirm all required data elements are present.  
  3. Sort by State and add any necessary shipping codes to override the default shipping code defined for the ORM group if using MSC SHP codes.  An MSC SHP code is not applicable if your group's shipping default is SLOS (Shipping Level of Service).
  4. If your gift-giver is sending multiple package types, enter the Wine Preference code that corresponds to the gift package each recipient should receive.  
  5. Then, import the spreadsheet into a "Ship-To Import" type of group and generate the order.   See Step 2 below.

Step 1 - Log in to Order Management (ORM) and Work With Groups

Log in to Order Management (PSORM.ORM).  Use the Tasting Room and Register under which gift orders will be created and processed. 

Original Clerk is AUTO

By default, orders created in the bulk, batch mode use the $ register. This can be overridden during the order creation process.

By default, the original clerk for orders created in the bulk, batch mode is assigned to the AUTO clerk.  This cannot be overridden.  See FAQ if a Commission Clerk is needed for reporting purposes. 

On the Order Management Screen, select Work with Groups.

Step 2 - Creating your group

First, create a new group.

Group Maintenance

  1. Give your new group a description (e.g., Google's Corporate Gifts).
  2. Select "Ship-To Import" as your Group Type. 
  3. Define the group's default shipping method. Choose either an MSC Ship Code or the standardized Shipping Level of Service - SLOS code (SLOS).  The system uses the default shipping method when building the ship-to section of orders when the Ship-To Import files do not themselves contain MSC ship codes. 

MSC Ship Code vs. Shipping Level of Service - What's the difference?

MSC versus SLOS.  What's the difference?

Choosing an MSC ship code default tells the system to use that specific shipping code for all the shipments it creates.  For example, if all shipments are for deliveries in the same State, you could define that State's MSC shipping code as the group's "default" and not need to specify an MSC shipping code in the import file.  Another example of using an MSC default would be when a few shipments are for deliveries in a different State.  In which case, for the few that will not use the group's default, you would define an MSC shipping code in the ship-to import file itself for the states that need them.  Think of it this way:  an MSC shipping code defined in the ship-to import OVERRIDES the group's default. 

Choosing a Shipping Level of Service default tells the system to look up the ship-to State in your MOC Shipping Control table and choose the MSC ship code defined with the same shipping level of service.   Use menu option PSFMM.MOC Maintain Order Controls to see by delivery state what shipping level of service each MSC shipping code uses. 

Example:  Group Default using an MSC Shipping Code

In the image below, our example group has a description, is defined as a Ship-To import group, and uses MSC shipping code UPS as the group's default shipping.  When building the ship-to section of the gift order, all ship-to's will use MSC shipping code UPS unless overridden by another MSC shipping code specified in the ship-to file itself. 

Example:  Group Default using a Shipping Level of Service 

The image below defines our example group using the default Shipping Level of Service code FXG.  When building the ship-to section of the gift order, the system will look up the gift recipient's delivery state in the shipping control table and use the MSC shipping code defined with the same FXG shipping level of service.  

Example: Shipping Level of Service in MOC Shipping Control Table

In the image of the MOC table below, we see that there are four MSC shipping codes for the State of California, each defined with three shipping levels of service codes.

When the system finds a duplicated shipping level of service, the system will prompt and ask you which MSC ship code to use.  For example, the image above shows that MSC shipping codes FEDX and PK are both defined with the same shipping level of service code FEX (FedEx 2DAY).  The system does not know which of the two to use, so it will prompt you to choose in the Duplicate Level of Sevice Check screen below.  Use the Shipping Override Code dropdown in the upper right of the screen to make your choice. 

The upper left-hand side of the screen, Selected State(s) With Duplicate Levels of Service, confirms your choice.  Repeat the process for each listed State.  When complete, an on-screen message lets you know you are DONE and can continue building your permanent orders.

Step 3 - Package Maintenance

Work with your Ship-To group and use Package Maintenance to set up gift packages by wine preference.  We recommend creating new, generic wine preference codes for gifting that you can reuse in different groups for different gift-givers.  GP1, GP2, GP3 would be good examples of generic wine preferences representing Gift Pack 1, Gift Pack 2, Gift Pack 3, etc.

Select a wine preference and enter part numbers, order quantity, and, if appropriate, and pricing overrides. 

You may define multiple wine preferences in a single group, just like when setting up a wine club group.  The system lets you generate all gift orders in one pass, instead of needing to run each package type separately. 

For example, if a gift-giver wants to give a few people one bottle of wine and a few others two or three bottles of wine, you would create a package for two wine preferences.  You would then import one spreadsheet containing the wine preference definition for each gift recipient, then create the permanent orders.  

Step 4 - Import Gift Recipient Ship-To Information

With packages set up, the system is ready to build preliminary and permanent gift orders.  Use Import Ship-Info to upload the template containing the name and delivery addresses information for each gift recipient.  

Select Import Ship-Info and navigate to the folder containing the Ship-to import file.  

The system reads the import file and reports any updates or corrections it could make in the Status column of the grid.  These are only for your information.

In red, the system reports any errors it finds that you must resolve before you're able to continue.  An example of an error that would appear in red includes a missing part of the delivery address or an override MSC shipping code that does not already exist in the SHP table.  

P O Boxes are not invalid

The system does not consider a P O Box as an invalid delivery address.  That is because the gift might only consist of non-wine items—for example, a corkscrew or a book.  Before importing, review delivery addresses and resolve P O Box addresses manually if your gift packages contain wine items. 

When you have resolved all errors, select Build Preliminary Orders.

Fill in:

  1. All Batch Parameters,
  2. The appropriate Wine preference code for the ship-to import.  Everyone on the gift list will receive whatever is defined for the Wine Preference code select.  Note that is your spreadsheet contains wine preference codes, the system will detect and display the preferences found in the spreadsheet. 
  3. The Bill-To Customer number.  Who is paying for and sending the gift?   
  4. Press Validate to retrieve and display Bill-to information. 
  5. Confirm everything for accuracy.  Then choose Build Preliminary Orders and review the results.

Preferred Payment

Page 2 of the Bill-To Customer record must contain a Preferred Payment type that is "on account" or a credit card on file, as this is what the system will use to charge the order.  If they have a preferred payment type of CASH, you will not be able to finalize your order.

Review preliminary orders for order content, shipping codes, prices, and discounts before continuing.  Double-click a row in the grid to view order details. If satisfied, choose to Create Permanent Orders.  Please note that a single order can only contain approximately 98 ship-to's.  The system will assign a new order number and build ship-to's under it, then repeat the process until the entire gift list is processed.   In the example below, a gift list containing 250 ship-to's has been split into three orders.

Step 5 - Charging your Customer

After building the permanent order, select Work with Checked on the ORM main screen...

Select Credit Card Approval.

And Start Sending for payment approval.

Making Changes to Gift Orders - Special Handling Required

Changing orders created using ORM's Corporate Gift process requires special handling. The system saves imported ship-to addresses only with the gift order itself.  By design, the system does not save imported ship-to addresses in the gift-giver's permanent ship-to address book.  Statistics revealed that most gift recipients only ever receive a single gift.  Adding imported ship-to addresses to the gift-giver's address book would create many permanent entries of questionable value, a practice that can be perceived as pollution of the gift-giver's account.   

Consequently, when making changes to delivery addresses, if you select a ship-to that is not already in the address book, you will first need to add the address to the gift-giver's ship-to list manually, including needed corrections. Then select the newly-created entry as the CURRENT SHIP TO  record:


Note, ship-to Gary Bluhm is not already on the ship-to list.  Click Manual Entry to add it.


Note, the system brings forward the current ship to's information, performing address corrections as necessary.


Note, the newly-added Manual Entry appears in the Ship-to list, but the system must be told which to assign to the CURRENT SHIP TO (i.e., No Ship To Selected).


Note, CURRENT SHIP TO restored from Ship-to list.  Currently, the MSC shipping code that the manually entered address inherits is determined by the MOC Shipping Control table for the subject state.  If the system used a group-level default shipping code/or shipping level of service or an override shipping code in the import file itself, that code would need to be manually respecified manually when creating the new ship-to entry.  (Potential Jira n. -elv) 

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1How do I assign a commission clerk to an AUTO created order?

Build orders first.  Then, change the order in the touch screen and use Special Functions to apply a Commission Clerk Override. 

Choose the Commission Clerk.  IMPORTANT:  When asked, reply YES or NO as appropriate whether to apply the commission clerk to ALL items in the order or only to items in the selected ship-to.  With few exceptions, you should reply YES so that all items have the same Commission Clerk.  In IDS Inquire Daily Sales, sales by Commission Clerk will reflect AUTO created orders.