Sending Shipment Confirmations


Sending email confirmations to your customers to let them know that their order has been shipped is done in Order Management. It is a relatively simple process, especially if you are sending these emails after you have imported tracking information. See Importing Tracking Information to learn more about this step. After you have imported tracking information and shipped the imported orders, you can select the Email: Shipment Confirmation.  It is as easy as that.


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If you do not have this email setup see Email Templates - WIP migration to MET to learn how to maintain email templates within the PS module. 


If there are emails that were not sent the system will generate an error.  For instance the email confirmation to customer Craig Beasley was unsuccessful because he does not have an email address on his account. 

If you do not import tracking information and would like to send an email confirmation, you can start by going to Order Management.  Order Management is located in the PS module; menu item PSORM.ORM.  Your first step is to double click on the menu item ORM. 

It will take you to the log in screen pictured above.  Here you will be required to enter your clerk ID and password. There are drop down menus for both these options to help you choose.  Most AMS users will be sending these email confirmation from a back office register.  If you want to set up a new register you can do this in the Maintain Register Master File (MRM).  Once you have entered all the necessary information needed in the log in screen, you will select Accept.  This will take you to the Order Management Screen.  There are many ways to search for orders here, but most likely you will be looking for orders that have been shipped in the system on a particular day.  You can find this information by selecting Ship Date in the second drop down.  Now you can select a date range.  Don't forget to select the shipped option in the upper right hand corner of this screen.