Merging Orders and Customers

Merging Orders and Customers


Occasionally, clerks inadvertently create orders under the wrong customer account. Occasionally, clerks create duplicate customers in Customer Management (CRM), particularly when they do not first search the system for an existing customer record. Duplicate customers may also result when an existing customer goes online and creates a new account using a different primary email address. When such situations occur, the system is able to merge orders from one customer record to another, or to merge entire customer accounts using menu option PSCUM.MER.

Where to Find:

Merging Customer Records

When launched, the interface defaults to a customer-to-customer merge. Note the program's process description and its precautionary instructions. The system displays instructions that appear in red: Enter from and to customers.

Enter the customer number you intend to merge into the Merge customer field. This is the "FROM" customer. Then, enter the customer number you intend to survive into the To customer field. This is the "TO" customer.

When using the merge function, take screenshots of how both customer records appear in the CRM Customer Summary or Partial Customer Screen. That way, you will have address and contact information from both accounts should you need to refer back to it later. Customer information in the TO destination record survives while customer information in the FROM record is lost.


After entering customer numbers, press the enter key to continue. The system displays a summary for the FROM and TO customers for verification.

Note the system prompt and follow on-screen instructions: Press F1 to merge, F7 to cancel. Select Do Not Merge to cancel the process or Merge Now to continue. The system prompts a second time to confirm the merge is truly intended.

Upon completion, the system confirms processing and displays a summary of what data was merged. Data includes Orders, Contacts, Ship-To's, Wine Clubs, Events, Allocations, etc. In the example below, Customer 2835 was merged to Customer 2021 and one order processed (merged) with it.

A merge entails moving all orders, contacts, wine clubs and reservations FROM one customer TO another. When the system completes the merge however, name, address, phone, email, and codes information in the TO customer record survives. Information FROM the merged customer will be discarded.

For audit purposes, the system automatically generates a Contact to document that a customer merge took place. Notes in the Contact records data that was discarded in the merged FROM record..

Merging an order from one customer to another

After launching the menu option, select F3 Use Order to toggle the program's function from a customer-to-customer merge to merging a single order to another customer.  Enter the order number into the Merge order field and the customer number that it should belong to into the To customer field, then press enter.  The system displays MERGE FROM customer information, a summary of its related orders and details for the single order that is to be merged away, as shown below. 

The system displays FROM customer information and a summary of all its related orders for reference and verification only. When merging an order, the program will only merge the single order specified in the Merge order whose details appears as "This order date" and "This order amount." The program will not merge any FROM customer information nor all its related orders: just one.

Note the system prompt and follow on-screen instructions: Press F1 to merge, F7 to cancel. Select Do Not Merge to cancel the process if the system displays an incorrect order or an incorrect MERGE TO customer. Otherwise, select Merge Now to continue. The system will request verification a second time before completing the process.


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