APVNM.VMR Vendor Master Report Writer

APVNM.VMR Vendor Master Report Writer


This Vendor report is an IRW report (IRW Documentation) and gives you the option to build and sort your Vendor list. This is not used very often as the vendor grid is a user-friendly way to view all of your vendors and their information. The grid can also easily be exported to Excel, where this report has an option to export into a comma delimited file.

With this report, you can customize the columns of information based on the criteria in the sort field.

Table of Contents

Where Is It Found

Vendor Master Listing

In the Select Statement, you can choose to leave it blank, thus selecting ALL Vendors. Or, you can choose to select a single Vendor or a subset of Vendors based on Vendor setup APVNM.ACV.

In the Sort Statement, you choose what information you want to see on your vendor report and how you want it sorted.


In the example below, Selecting All Vendors and showing the Vendor name and Vendor number.

Resulting Report

Using the IRW Wizard

Each IRW report in AMS has a feature to help you build the report, showing you a list of available codes and descriptions. More documentation can be found here: Integrated Report Writer Documentation.

To use the wizard place your cursor in the SELECT statement and click on the drop-down arrow that appears at the end of the field.

This will launch the Select Wizard.

First step is to choose the FIELD you want, to do this click on the box with 3 little dots in the Fields column.

You can now scroll through, or in the description header, you can start typing what you are looking for. Once you find what you are looking for you would double click your selection

Next, you choose the operator.


= Equals

<> Not Equal to

> Greater Than

< Less Than

~ Containes

| Does Not Contain

Finally, you fill in your Value. Either the Vendor number or code/s that you are looking to Select.

Then press continue. This will take you back to your report request screen with the newly created Select statement.

Report Request Screen

Resulting Report