AP Overview and Setup

AP Overview and Setup

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The Accounts Payable system is an all-purpose package that fully integrates your accounts payable distribution to other key modules in the AMS system. It will automate the check writing and paying processes and will provide detailed status for each vendor and invoice within a specific time period. Management information can be presented in hard copy report format, or by using on-screen inquires.

The Accounts Payable application will provide open invoice aging, on-screen vendor inquiries, on-screen invoice inquires, manual check integration, and a systematic check clearing operation to facilitate bank statement reconciliations.

AMS Accounts Payable is a full featured application and includes the following major features:

  • Multi-period processing permits entering invoices and manual checks into any number of open periods without loss of date sensitive reporting.
  • User defined data retention scheduled for invoice batches and A/P history
  • Vendor invoices and history can be viewed onscreen or printed.
  • Integration with the AMS General ledger provides distribution from the A/P Expenses Journal and the A/P Check writing and Cash Journals
  • Integration with the AMS Material Requirements Application.
  • Integration with the AMS Profit Analysis Application.
  • Ability to upload from a spreadsheet Expense information.
  • Interactive Screen for batch entry of invoices and manual checks. This permits on-screen review and correction of entries and batch control totals within open batches.
  • Monthly A/P expense journals can be re-posted into open general ledger periods.
  • No required period-end purge procedures


There are a total of six menus in the Accounts payable Module.

  • Vendor
  • Invoice and Distribution
  • Check Wiring and e-payment
  • Miscellaneous check Functions
  • 1099s
  • EDD Reporting

Step #1 Set-up the System Control for AP

There are many tables that come pre-loaded in the system. These are then selected on the Vendor Master to instruct the system how to function. You can set them up ahead of your Vendor set up so the selections are there when starting with the steps laid out in this document, or you can work through Step #2 and it will refer you back to the System Control Tables to set them up at that time. AMS will work through each of these with you as well as the first Vendor and then you will be left to set up the remainder of your Vendors at that time.

System Administration – Sub System Controls (SYACTL)

Select SYA and then CTL this will display options in the Sub-System Controls for you to select from.

Change Central Table Database (SYACTL.CCT)

Select CCT – Change Central Table Data base. The following screen will display to enter into the Central Table Database Maintenance so you can get to the tables that need to be established or changed.



Select the Continue button (F1)

The following screen will appear so you can indicate the table you wish to go into.

ZZZ Tables Codes for AP

Table Code - Enter ZZZ in the Table Code and select ENTER

The following screen will display and allow you to enter the Code that is specific to the item you wish to set up. These codes are in the title of each screen and indicated with ( ) around them. The descriptions in detail are indicated throughout this document.

Auto Vendor Numbering (APAUTO#)

The system comes set to Auto Add for each new Vendor number when adding through the Vendor Master.

If you wish to load in your vendors from a prior system using the vendor numbers that were previously assigned to them in your old system, you can enter those numbers in the field and it will over-ride the auto numbering system. Once you have completed your initial load, you can then start to use the Auto Number generated by the system for each new Vendor. If you do not wish to use the Auto numbering simply enter any number in the field.

The 2nd parameter indicated below allows you to access the Vendor Maintenance in the APIDM.EIN, enter invoices, screen. This is only used if you want to allow the person entering receipts to also enter the Vendors on the fly.

Auto Fill the Country Code (CUCNTRY)

When entering a Customer Address, the system will auto fill the Country Code if the following ZZZ entry is set up. This field is required on the entry. You can either set the default here or select it from the CTR (Country Table) on each entry. The Country Code must match the default set up in the ZZZ.


Brackets around the Phone Number (APPHONEFMT)

When entering phone numbers, the system comes pre-loaded to automatically put the brackets around the area code. If you wish this to be different, you can change this to reflect no brackets.


Vendor Category (APREQVCAT)

The Vendor Category can be assigned to a Vendor and then used to sort when printing the Aging Report or searching the Vendor Grid List. (Examples: Grape Growers, Tasting Room Merchandise, etc.). This will require that a Vendor Category be entered when setting up the Vendors. If you put Y it makes this mandatory on the entry screen.

Default Hold Code (APHOLD)

The hold codes are based on how you process your payables. The system hold code comes pre-loaded with "WD" (When Due). Based on this configuration the Vendor Master will automatically load with "WD" as the default when adding a new Vendor. You can change this on the Vendor at any time. (Example: WD = When Due or HD=HOLD relates to when someone is paid).

WD "When due"- If you normally pay all bills by when they are due, you will use "WD" on each Vendor. When you are ready to pay, this option will allow you to print the Payment Selection Register by the due dates for payment. You can choose to not pay certain invoices by changing the hold code to be "WS" – When Scheduled and put in a date to have it show up again. If your want to pay an invoice that did not show up on the Payment Selection Register, you can change the hold code to NC – Next Check

HD "Hold" – If you want to select the invoices to pay each time you run checks put HD on the vendor. When ready to run checks, run an aging and decide which invoices are to be paid. Change the hold code to NC – Next Check for each invoice to be paid.

Set Default Options for the Accounts Payable Invoices Inquiry (APVNMIVI)

Set up how the Screen will load your invoices when you inquire through the AP Invoice Inquiry Screen (APVNM.IVI). The Default is set to show (Y,Y,D = which answers the following questions (1= Show Opens Invoice, 2 = Show Paid Invoices and 3- List in Ascending or Descending order.


The system previously came with a defaulted with (Y, N, D = Open Invoices in Descending order). For existing clients, check your defaults to determine if you would like to show paid invoices.

Set Default Option Format for Recurring Invoice number (APRECURINV)

If you plan to create and use Recurring Invoice batches, you would want to fill in this screen. This would be used so you could add those invoices due every month for the same amount. What this defines is where in the Invoice Number you have the Month and Year. Each month when you post the recurring invoices, it will change the month and year in the invoice entry.

Most people have the Month and Year as the first four characters of this field. In other words, if this screen is set as MMYYXXXXX then when you set up the batch the first time you would enter the invoice as 0313xxxxx (where x's would be their account number). Then when you copy that batch to the following month (April, 2013), the system will know to make the Invoice number automatically be 0413xxxxx.

Beginning Voucher number (APVCHR)

The system comes set to NO = Do Not Use Vouchers in AP. This is because most companies do not use vouchers anymore. If needed, you would select YES and the system will automatically bring up the next voucher number as you enter invoices. Check with AMS for there are other ZZZ set ups that will have to be addressed to make this work.

AP Form Type (APFTT)

Form type is designed for those companies that need to print checks with different names on the forms. This is very unusual in AP since the forms are usually pre-printed. Therefore the system default is set to "N" = No. If you need to use Form Types change the method to "Y"= Yes, for custom set up. If yes, talk with AMS and review the form Type Setup document.


Checking Account Code (AP-CKA-REQ)

This is used to allow checks to be printed in the system from multiple bank accounts. The system default is set to "N"=No since most customers write checks from only one account. If you are in need of multiple account selections when printing checks, you will need to change this table to "Y" = Yes (See below).

CKA Table Code for AP

Table Code - Enter CKA in the Table Code and select ENTER

AP Checking Account Charged Table

This table is used to set up the Checking Accounts to be used when entering invoices and writing checks.

Account Code: (Required) Enter a code that represents each checking account one at a time for those that you will select from when entering Invoices and Writing Checks.

Description: Description of each account that will display for selection so you know what account you are selecting from.

Is this the default checking account?: (Required) Enter Y=Yes or N=No.

G/L Cash Account Charged: Enter the G/L account you want to set up as your default charge account when using this checking account.

Bank Information: This is not required, however recommended for reference.

Include Checking account debit in NACHA e-payment file? Default is N=No. If you will be sending your e-payment file to the bank for process (not bill pay on line) then you will need to select Y=Yes and fill in the remaining items on this screen.

APL Table Code for AP

Table Code - Enter APL in the Table Code and select ENTER

A/P Ledger code

The reason to have more than one AP Ledger Codes would be if you want to have different Liability Accounts on the Balance Sheet. An example would be to have AP Trade as well as AP Grapes or AP Employees.

If one APL Ledger Code is set up in the Table it will default to the Vendor Master when the Vendor is entered and this will then default to the invoices to that vendor and automatically post to the correct Liability account. This can be overridden invoice by invoice as needed.

Default: if you have more than one ledger code, you will need to select which one is to default to the Vendor Master.

ZZZ Table Code Set up for (AP-APL-REQ)

If you only have one AP Liability Account on the balance sheet you do not need to add or fill in the ZZZ Table Code (AP-APL-REQ).

If you have more than 1 AP Liability Account, Requiring A/P Ledger codes are controlled by the (AP-APL-REQ) ZZZ entry.

Entering D would load in the "default" AP Ledger Code as defined in the APL (AP Ledger Code table) above.

Entering Y would "require" the entry of the APL (AP Ledger Code) and make you choose one on the batch header.

NOTE: If you have multiple the header will override the vendor but you can override what is on the header invoice by invoice if needed.

APG Table Codes for AP

These tables are used to set up codes to allow the system to function specifically to your needs

Default G/L Distribution Code

This table is an optional field in the Vendor Master. An entry here will aid in coding invoices. In this table you can create a code and then define which GL account numbers would be used for this invoice and the appropriate percentages for each account. This split can be overridden at the time of the entry of the invoice. The total of the percentages MUST equal 100.

An example would be PGE (something you get every month and the distribution is the same)

Description - Enter the Description and Tab to the G/L Accounts and Percent

G/L Account and Percent - Enter the G/L Account Number and the Percent you want applied to this account. Use the tab to move within this screen

Enter – Select the Enter or accept your entry

AP9 Table Codes for AP

Table Code - Enter AP9 in the Table Code and select ENTER

A/P Vendor 1099 Type Code

This is used to track the 1099 Vendors in the AMS system. The system comes preloaded with some codes that you can select from. Already set up in the tables are 01 = Rent, 02= Royalties, 07 = Non Employee Compensation (for those set up previously you may have MI and that means the same as 07 and then the final one is NO = None Required (Exempt).

APE Table Code for AP

Enter Table Code - APE

EDD Reporting Code

This is an optional field used to create the code for the A/P Vendor EDD Reporting for the State of CA. The EDD codes are used to identify vendors who are independent contractors who are to be reported to a state Employment Development Department for the main purpose of locating parents who are delinquent on child support payments. At present, only the California DE542 form is supported. The system comes with the default of NO=No Report Needed. If you plan to use this, you will need to enter CA=California so you can select it on the Vendor and they will be selected when you run the report at the end of each month.

APT Table Codes for AP

Enter Table Code - APT

Terms Code

The system comes pre-loaded with default terms indicated below. (Example 30 day, 60 days and 90 days, etc.)

If you need to establish more terms, you can add them here and use then as a selection on the Vendor and Invoice. AMS does not have the ability for Net 10th of the month. However you can enter manually when entering the invoice. (Example this is used by office supply companies)

CAP Table Codes for AP

Change Accounts Payable Period (SYACTL.CAP)

The Change Account Payable Period screen controls the time frame available for data entry of the Accounts Payable Module. You can always run reports, even on a closed month. It is recommended that you keep these screens as "tight" as possible.  These are not "hard" closes.  You can always come back in and change them if necessary.
There are other screens within AMS that handle periods of different Modules. This allows a client to close each module independent of each other.

  • CAR – for Accounts Receivable
  • CGL – for General Ledger
  • CIN – for Inventory
  • CPS – for the Tasting Room when they start using that module.

(Example: This set up is stating your system in December 2012 when you entered your initial set up information. With the current month now being Jan, 2013, you would want to be able to enter entries in Jan 2013).

First Open Year and Month – indicates how far back data can be entered. 

Last Open Year and Month – indicates how far forward data can be entered.

Current Year and Month - is cosmetic only.  If you go into a data entry screen that has a date, it will populate with this date.  It does NOT control the data entry and can be changed in the transaction. 
If you have finished reconciling a month, be sure to change the First Open to be the current month.  Ideally by mid month, all three dates would be the current month.

Step # 2 Set up the Vendors from your old system and any new ones.

Financial - Accounts Payable - Vendors (FIN.GLAPVNM)

Vendor Grid (APVNM.VNG)

The vendor grid is a multifunctional screen that lists all vendors along with address, phone, date last active, date setup, balance due, category, ledger, terms and hold code. You can search by vendor name, sort name, setup/active in the last 30, 60, 90 or 365 days, date last active, date setup, 1099 code, category, hold code, and terms.
From the vendor grid you can revise a vendor, add a new vendor, inquire on an invoice and inquire on a purchase order (light blue buttons at bottom of the screen).

Select the Add New Vendor button - this will take you to the Vendor Master File Maintenance screen (APVNM.AVC). If you do not wish to use this screen and want to key in your vendors directly to the table you can do that in the APVNM.ACV (Add or change Vendor) outlined below.

Add or Change Vendors (APVNM.ACV)

You can bypass the Vendor Grid mentioned above and directly select this screen from the tree. In doing so, you will not be able to return to the grid to see those you already entered without select the Vendor Grid and opening it to see the list entered. It is your preference and either way will work.

Screen 1 - Vendor Master File Maintenance

Change, Review or Delete(Required) This same screen is a multifunction screen and used to (A) dd, (C)hange, (R)eview or (D)elete and Vendor .

Select 'A" to Add – You can Add New Vendors using this screen when selecting an "A" in this field.

Vendor Number (Required) – The system is automatically entering a consecutive number for each new vendor if the ZZZ APAUTO# table is set to Yes in the system. When entering your initial Vendors you may want to use the Vendor number out of your old system. To do this you can enter the vendor number and it will override the auto numbering.

Enter – Select the Enter and it will accept and move you to the other items to be filled in on this screen.

The details located in the bottom part of the screen will now be active for you to enter into.

Company Name (Required) - Fill in the company name and select the tab button to move you to the next field.

Sort Field (Required) This field is used to determine how the name will load on inquires and reports. It will load in Alpha order so if you enter a name (First and Last) type in the characters from the last name in this field and it will load on the vendor inquiry in alpha order.

Address, City, State and Zip -Fill in this information

Country – (Required) USA comes pre-loaded with the system. You can over ride one by one on the Vendor Screen or change the default ZZZ Table "CUCNTRY" if you choose to use US instead or something else if most of your vendors are outside of the US.

Phone Number – The system is set to defaults with parentheses around the area code (707) when you enter the 10 digit phone number, a space, and select the enter button. If you wish this to be different or no parentheses change in the ZZZ Tables "APPHONEFM"

Email Address – This indicates the email address of the Company/Vendor.

Contact Information – This indicates the contact at the Company/Vendor

Vendor Category – This is used for sorting on the Aging report or Vendors Search Grid by Category. This field comes set for optional use and you can fill this in or not on the Vendors. Typically we see some categories may be used for specific reason. (Example: GG= Grape Grower or TR=Tasting Room Merchandise). By selecting one of these categories when running a report or inquiry you will only get the Vendors specific to the category. If you wish for the Vendor Category field to be a requirement when adding Vendors change the set up in the ZZZ table "APPEQVCAT". This will always require it on the Vendor set up.

EDD Reporting Code (Required) – Although a selection in this field is required, the system comes pre-loaded with one EDD Code set to NO=No Report Needed. The EDD codes are used to identify vendors who are independent contractors and follow the same rules of being 1099'd to the IRS. These Vendors are to be reported to a California State Employment Development Department as well but on a monthly basis. The purpose of this is for California to be able to locate parents who are delinquent on child support payments. At present, only the California DE542 form is supported. If you wish to use this feature, you will need to add CA=California to the APE "EDD Reporting Code" in order for it to be selected here on the Vendor Master and add to the same 1099 vendors.

Terms Code (Required) – a selection for terms is required on the Vendor. The system comes pre-loaded with default terms set-up in the APT table. You can select one already established (Example 30=30 days). If you need to set-up more terms, go to the APT Table "Term Code" and enter it and then you can select it here.

Minimum Check Amount - Leave blank initially. If you find a vendor who is sending invoices for very small amounts, it costs more to process the check than the check is worth. If they put in an amount to not print a check for less than that amount, they HAVE to notify the vendor that they are going to do that. Otherwise a vendor may charge a service charge for non-payment.

One Invoice Per Check (required) The system comes pre-loaded with the default of "No". You can change this to "Yes" if needed. (Example would be if you have your Bank as a vendor and you have multiple loans with that same bank, and you need a check attached to each payment coupon, you select "YES" to print one check per invoice. Another example would be the TTB needs one check to each form due.)

Default Invoice Hold Code (Required) Select the option that best works for you "WD" (When Due) and "HD" (Hold). The system comes pre-loaded with the default of "WD" (When Due). If you want a different default, talk with AMS to change the ZZZ tables "APHOLD" to reflect a different default. On your invoices you would not want a mixture of HD and WD.

WD "When due"- you normally pay all bills when due. When you are ready to pay, this option will allow you to print the Payment Selection Register by the due dates for payment. You can choose to not pay certain invoices by changing the code on the invoice to "WS" – When Scheduled and put in a date to have it show up again.

HD "Hold" – If you want to select the invoices to be paid each time you run checks put "HD" on the Vendor. When ready to run checks, run an aging and decide which invoices are to be paid. Change the hold code to NC – Next Check for each invoice to be paid.

Default G/L Dist Code If you have a Vendor that the G/L Distribution is the same each time you enter it, you can set up the APG Table APG -AP Default G/L Distribution to automatically calculate the split by the percentages when paying the invoice.

Or Account – Instead of using the Default G/L Distribution code above you could indicate the G/L account to be used each time an invoice is processed. You can always override the account and enter a different account at invoice entry. This is an either /OR option along with G/L Distribution Code.

1099 Info (Required) The system comes pre-loaded with "NO" No 1099 Needed (Exempt) and "MI" for Non-Employee Compensation. If you have Rent or Royalties to track, you will need to set up the Table AP9 – AP Vendor 1099 Type Code

Recipient ID - This would be SSN for Sole Proprietors or the Federal ID number for LLC's.

Name Printed on Form - The vendor can be set up with the name that is being used for the business. This field would have the name that is used for tax reporting. (Example-AMS for the vendor name, Stephen Smith for the 1099 printed on form name).

One Time Vendor - Since AP is an After the Fact situation, this is normally left blank. If you just don't want to do business with this business again, leave it blank. If someone goes there and buys something, you still have to pay for it.

Date Inactive - Normally used only if the vendor goes out of business.

Screen 2 - Vendor Master File Maintenance info - Button on bottom of first screen

Purchase Order Information - If using the AMS purchase order system, you can have a different address for the PO's than where the check is sent when paying an invoice.

AP Ledger Code - Enables the use of different liability accounts on the balance sheet. This can be overwritten invoice by invoice. (Example would be separate A/P Trade vs A/P Grapes ledgers) This would need to be set up prior in the Table APL – AP Ledger Code.

Preferred Payment Method - Printed check or Electronic Payment. If electronic then the E-payment information needs to be filled out. (Check with AMS to make sure your bank is set up for the e-payment function)

Option to Create Electronic Payments - This is not using Bill Pay at your bank. In that situation you would enter a manual check on the invoice with a phony check number (maybe the date). This is where you would create a file that you would send to your bank to process your payments. Check with AMS to be sure your bank is set up for this function

If using Electronic Payments – fill out the E-Payment information at the bottom of the screen.

Step #3 Enter Outstanding Vendor Invoices

Financial- Account Payable - Invoice and Distribution – (APIDM)

When setting up AMS you may have outstanding Vendor Invoices as of the End of Prior Month that will need to get into AMS so you can pay those bills that are due in the first month of being live with AMS.
View your Outstanding Aging Report to see what those might be. You will want to key these into the system with a date "As of" the end of the period prior to go live.

Enter Invoice and/or Manual Checks (APIDM.EIN)

This screen is a multifunction screen for entry of both Outstanding Invoice and Manual check writing. For this purpose we will enter outstanding invoices only. Manual Check writing is talked about in the procedure guide. These processes are done in batches, and must be entered separately according to type.


A/P Invoice Entry Screen

Options - A = Add a batch

Batch ID – For initial entry Date the Batch the last day of the prior month YYMMDD_ . AMS recommends that your batch ID is formatted with Year/Month/Date/ _. With the year on the front of your batch ID. This will make it easier to look up information after you have been on the system for multiple years.

Enter – Select Enter Button to Advance to the next screen

Batch ID – This will default from what you entered in the screen prior

Batch Date – (MM/DD/YY) This is the actual date of the batch. This is also the MONTH that the expenses will post in. If entering last month's invoices, be sure to put in last month's date in this field.

Batch Type - Use one of the codes below depending on what you are entering.

  • IE (Invoice Entry) – Enter outstanding invoices from Aging report or Invoices.
  • CH (Change) - If you need to make a change to something you already entered and updated, you would use this code. Fields that cannot be changed are (Vendor, Invoice Number and Invoice Amount).

Total Invoice Gross – Enter the total amount of new invoices being added to the system. This is a great protection from entering an invoice with the wrong amount. Some put $1.00 here and let the system give them the total at the end and then come back and fix it on the header.

Total Check Amount – Only use this if entering a MC (Manual Check) batch. This would be the total amount of the checks.

Batch Form Type – This is only used if you need to print on a different check stock and AMS is printing the check information. This is not used by very many customers.

Checking Account Codes –This is only used if you PRINT Checks out of more than one Checking Account.

AP Leger Code – This is only used if multiple Liability accounts are setup, the AP Ledger code drives which of those liability accounts will be used for the invoices entered on that batch.

Beginning Voucher number – This is not a normal process in the Accounting Procedure anymore, so the system defaults to NO = (Not used). If you wish to use a Voucher System which supplies a number to an invoice to be entered, you will need to talk with AMS to change the Central Table set up (ZZZ.APVCHR).

Enter – Select the enter button to move to the A/P Invoice Entry Screen

Fill in the highlighted fields

Vendor No: Fill in the appropriate vendor number or use the F8 key to Add Vendor. . You can also click on the glyph to pull up the vendor grid to search for a vendor or put a "?" in the vendor field and hit enter to search for a vendor.

Invoice No: Fill in the invoice number (note it will flag if there is a duplicate)

Invoice date: Fill in the actual date of the invoice. The invoice will age by this date

Invoice amount: Fill in the amount of the invoice

Memo - This field is optional. This information will print on the check and in the General Ledger unless a description is entered in the GL Distribution section which will override the Memo field on the G/L.

Hold code- This will default from the Vendor Master. You can override and enter something different if desired.

Inv Due Date: The system defaults in the due date based on the invoice date and the terms

Discount Due Date: If the terms offer a discount based on days (2% 10, Net 30), the system will default in the discount due date. The date can be changed.

Discount Amt: If the terms offer a discount based on days (2% 10, Net 30), the system will default in the discount amount. The amount can be changed.

Payment type: This field will default from the Vendor Master and can be changed it if desired. This tells the system whether the payment type is printed check or e-payment.

A/P Ledger Code- This field will default from the vendor master. You can change it if desired.

Optional fields by pressing F3 – Discount Keyable button at bottom, if you would like to key in the dscnt due date and dscnt amount fields, use the F3 key to do so.
Once the information is entered you will have a screen filled in that looks similar to this:

Press enter to go to the GL distribution section, here you will decide what GL account or accounts this invoice will expense to.

Enter the GL Account number – If you don't know it, you can look up the G/L number in this screen, in the first field, enter a "?". This will bring up a list of your Cost Centers.


Select the appropriate Cost Center - by typing in the number to the left of the Cost Center

A list of all the accounts in that Cost Center will show up.

Select the appropriate account - by typing in the number to the left of the account.

Dist Amount – Distribution Amount.

  • If the total amount of the invoice entered is to go to that GL account number, press enter and the amount will populated and advance you to enter a new invoice.
  • If more than one account is to be entered, enter the correct amount and then continue to enter GL Accounts and amounts until the entire invoice has been assigned, using the tab key.

If you fill the page, there is a button at the bottom "Next Accounts" that will bring up a new page to continue entry of GL accounts and amounts.

If entering multiple pages of accounts and amounts pay attention to where you are at on the screen, when it finishes filling a page it will take you back to the top and start writing over your first entries.

When all distributions have been entered, press ENTER to complete that invoice.

Now you can continue entering more invoices in your batch.

When done with all invoice Press F7 Totals Screen.

Be sure the "Difference" row has a value of $0. If it does not match, verify that your original total Gross Amount entered was correct by running a tape of your invoices again.

To correct the gross amount, press F7 Options Screen to go back to the header screen and correct.

If the original Gross Amount was correct on the header, then check each of the invoices that were entered. Go back to the "D" for detail screen. Scroll thru each of the invoices to verify the amounts.

OR you can proceed to printing the Edit list and have a printout to use to verify the amounts.

Once the totals have been verified you can print the edit list as instructed below.

Print Invoice Edit List (APIDM.PIN)

Unposted batches or all batches in the Range:

Option U would print all batches that have not been updated to the A/P module

Option R allows you to re-print a batch that has already been updated.

Batch ID Range: Only Option R allows a Batch ID range to be filled in, you would use this to review an already posted batch

Select only batches created by user: This would be used if you have multiple employees entering A/P batches. One user would not want to be messing with another user's batches

Page Break on each invoice: selection is Yes or No. Recommended No.


The following is an example of the report

Be sure to check for the **No errors detected in batch** message at the bottom.

Update data base with new invoices (APIDM.UIN)

Stream the report and this will update invoices into AMS

Print Open Invoice Aging (APWCM.PIA)

Use this option to run an aging from the AMS system to compare against your old system to be sure it matches and that you are starting with the correct outstanding invoices.

This report defaults with the needed criteria to run the report except you have to identify the Aging Columns (days) that you wish to see (example 30, 60, 90)

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'TDS0:Documentation Disclaimer'.

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