APVNM.ACV Add or Change Vendors


This is where you will add or change vendors and their information.

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Add or Change Vendors

Screen Options:

Functions: (REQUIRED)

Add - Add a new vendor

Change - Change a existing vendor

Review - Review an existing vendor

Delete - Delete an existing vendor

Vendor Number (Required) – The system is automatically entering a consecutive number for each new vendor if the ZZZ APAUTO# table is set to Yes in the system. When entering your initial Vendors you may want to use the Vendor number out of your old system. To do this you can enter the vendor number and it will override the auto numbering.

Enter – Select the Enter and it will accept and move you to the other items to be filled in on this screen.

The details located in the bottom part of the screen will now be active for you to enter into.

Vendor Detail Fields

Company Name (Required)

Fill in the company name and select the tab button to move you to the next field.

Sort Field (Required)

This field is used to determine how the name will load on inquires and reports. It will load in Alpha order so if you enter a name (First and Last) type in the characters from the last name in this field and it will load on the vendor inquiry in alpha order.

Address, City, State and Zip

Fill in this information

Country (Required)

USA comes pre-loaded with the system. You can over ride one by one on the Vendor Screen or change the default ZZZ Table "CUCNTRY" if you choose to use US instead or something else if most of your vendors are outside of the US.

Phone Number

The system is set to defaults with parentheses around the area code (707) when you enter the 10 digit phone number, a space, and select the enter button. If you wish this to be different or no parentheses change in the ZZZ Tables "APPHONEFM"

Email Address

This indicates the email address of the Company/Vendor.

Contact Information

This indicates the contact at the Company/Vendor

Vendor Category

This is used for sorting on the Aging report or Vendors Search Grid by Category. This field comes set for optional use and you can fill this in or not on the Vendors. Typically we see some categories may be used for specific reason. (Example: GG= Grape Grower or TR=Tasting Room Merchandise). By selecting one of these categories when running a report or inquiry you will only get the Vendors specific to the category. If you wish for the Vendor Category field to be a requirement when adding Vendors change the set up in the ZZZ table "APPEQVCAT". This will always require it on the Vendor set up.

EDD Reporting Code (Required) 

Although a selection in this field is required, the system comes pre-loaded with one EDD Code set to NO=No Report Needed. The EDD codes are used to identify vendors who are independent contractors and follow the same rules of being 1099'd to the IRS. These Vendors are to be reported to a California State Employment Development Department as well but on a monthly basis. The purpose of this is for California to be able to locate parents who are delinquent on child support payments. At present, only the California DE542 form is supported. If you wish to use this feature, you will need to add CA=California to the APE "EDD Reporting Code" in order for it to be selected here on the Vendor Master and add to the same 1099 vendors.

Terms Code (Required)

A selection for terms is required on the Vendor. The system comes pre-loaded with default terms set-up in the APT table. You can select one already established (Example 30=30 days). If you need to set-up more terms, go to the APT Table "Term Code" and enter it and then you can select it here.

Minimum Check Amount

Leave blank initially. If you find a vendor who is sending invoices for very small amounts, it costs more to process the check than the check is worth. If they put in an amount to not print a check for less than that amount, they HAVE to notify the vendor that they are going to do that. Otherwise a vendor may charge a service charge for non-payment.

One Invoice Per Check (required) 

The system comes pre-loaded with the default of "No". You can change this to "Yes" if needed. (Example would be if you have your Bank as a vendor and you have multiple loans with that same bank, and you need a check attached to each payment coupon, you select "YES" to print one check per invoice. Another example would be the TTB needs one check to each form due.)

Default Invoice Hold Code (Required)

Select the option that best works for you "WD" (When Due) and "HD" (Hold). The system comes pre-loaded with the default of "WD" (When Due). If you want a different default, talk with AMS to change the ZZZ tables "APHOLD" to reflect a different default. On your invoices you would not want a mixture of HD and WD.

WD "When due"- If you normally pay all bills when due. When you are ready to pay, this option will allow you to print the Payment Selection Register by the due dates for payment.

WS "When Scheduled" - If you choose to not pay certain invoices by changing the code on the invoice to "WS" and put in a date to have it show up again.

HD "Hold" - If you want to select the invoices to be paid each time you run checks put "HD" on the Vendor. When ready to run checks, run an aging and decide which invoices are to be paid. Change the hold code to NC – Next Check for each invoice to be paid.

Default G/L Dist Code  

If you have a Vendor that the G/L Distribution is the same each time you enter it, you can set up the APG Table APG -AP Default G/L Distribution to automatically calculate the split by the percentages when paying the invoice.

Or Account

Instead of using the Default G/L Distribution code above you could indicate the G/L account to be used each time an invoice is processed. You can always override the account and enter a different account at invoice entry. This is an either /OR option along with G/L Distribution Code.

1099 Info (Required)

The system comes pre-loaded with most boxes on both 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC forms. More information on setting up new codes can be found here: Central Table (AP9).

Recipient ID

This would be SSN for Sole Proprietors or the Federal ID number for LLC's.

Name Printed on Form

The vendor can be set up with the name that is being used for the business. This field would have the name that is used for tax reporting. (Example-AMS for the vendor name, Stephen Smith for the 1099 printed on form name).

One Time Vendor 

Since AP is an After the Fact situation, this is normally left blank. If you just don't want to do business with this business again, leave it blank. If someone goes there and buys something, you still have to pay for it.

Date Inactive

Normally used only if the vendor goes out of business.

Screen 2 - Vendor Master File Maintenance info 

Button on bottom of first screen

Purchase Order Information

If using the AMS purchase order system, you can have a different address for the PO's than where the check is sent when paying an invoice.

AP Ledger Code

Enables the use of different liability accounts on the balance sheet. This can be overwritten invoice by invoice. (Example would be separate A/P Trade vs A/P Grapes ledgers) This would need to be set up prior in the Table APL – AP Ledger Code.

Preferred Payment Method

Printed check or Electronic Payment. If electronic then the E-payment information needs to be filled out. (Check with AMS to make sure your bank is set up for the e-payment function)

Option to Create Electronic Payments

This is not using Bill Pay at your bank. In that situation you would enter a manual check on the invoice with a phony check number (maybe the date). This is where you would create a file that you would send to your bank to process your payments. Check with AMS to be sure your bank is set up for this function

If using Electronic Payments

Fill out the E-Payment information at the bottom of the screen.