APVNM.VNG Vendor Grid

APVNM.VNG Vendor Grid


The vendor grid lists all vendors along with address, phone, date last active, date setup, balance due, category, ledger, and terms and hold code. You can search by vendor name, sort name, setup/active in the last 30, 60, 90, or 365 days, date last active, date setup, 1099 code, category, hold code, and terms. As with any grid in AMS you can right-click the grid and export it to Excel.

Where Is It Found

Vendor Grid

From the vendor grid, you have options at the bottom of the screen (below) to complete multiple different tasks.


  • Revise a Vendor - Launches menu option APVNM.ACV with the highlighted customer in grid selected for changes.
  • Add a New Vendor - Launches menu option APVNM.ACV to ADD new customer.
  • Invoice Inquiry - Launches menu option APVNM.IVI with the highlighted customer in grid selected.
  • Invoice Grid - Launches menu option APIDM.ING
  • Invoice Dist Grid - Launches menu option APIDM.IDG
  • Check Grid - Launches menu option APCKM.CKG
  • P.O. Inquiry  - Launches menu option PO.IPV with the highlighted customer in grid selected.