Central Table (CCT)
The central tables in AMS are the lifeblood of the system. Please be careful and don't change things without first understanding! Incorrect changes can cause ripples throughout the system.
Please choose a central table code below for more information. If you have questions about a table that is not listed let us know and we will add documentation for that table.
- AP Vendor Terms (APT)
- Carrier Code (CAR)
- Central Table (AP9)
- Central Table (APV)
- Central Table (STA)
- Club Status (PCS)
- Country (CTR)
- Customer Financial Code (CFC)
- Customer Type (CTY)
- Entry Type Code (ETP)
- Event Code (TRE)
- Form Type (FTT)
- Inventory Transaction Code Table (ITC)
- Lane Address Hold Reason (LAH)
- Location (LOC)
- Miscellaneous System Configuration Items (ZZZ)
- Order Confirmation Distribution Codes (OCD)
- Order Level Of Service (OLS)
- Part Financial Code (PFC)
- Shipper Code (SPR)
- Source Code (PSC)
- Tasting Room Master (TRM)
- Tasting Room Price Class (TPC)
- Tasting Room Price Type (TPT)
- Tasting Room Transaction Category (TTC)
- Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX)
- Tasting Room Transaction Type (TRT)
- Termination Reason (TWT)
- User Defined Codes (UDC)
- Wine Club (TWC)
- Wine Preference (TWP)
- Winery Name Table (WIN)