Adding a Temporary Ship to Address for a Club Shipment

For those club members that need to either have their shipment delivered to an address other than their shipping address on their customer record or they are normally ship to customers and they want to pick it up at the winery for a particular club shipment or you have snow birds that live somewhere warm for the winter, you can add a shipping override for a specified date range.  By adding a shipping override for a customer, the clerk does not have to set a reminder to change their shipping address back to the original, once the specified date range is up the system will no longer use the temporary address.  To add a shipping override, select the customer in Customer Management (CRM), and select Maintain Wine Clubs. 

If the customer has a history of multiple clubs in their wine clubs section of the above page, highlight the current club to add the shipping override.  If the customer had previous wine club holds or shipment overrides it would show in the Status Entries section. To add a shipping override, select the Add button next to Status details, this will open up the For Shipment dt range fields. The shipment date range is the Projected ship date of the club shipment, so the projected ship date needs to fall in the date range added in the Status details in order for the shipping override to take effect. 

Leave yourself some room when putting a date range in the Status details field in case the Projected Ship date on your club shipment is moved up or delayed.  I would suggest just putting and entire month of the club shipment in the date range.

Once the date is added, skip the Inactive status and the Hold shipment until fields.  If inactive status is filled in, the customer will be completely skipped from the club batch, that field is used for club members that need to skip a shipment, not have their shipment shipped elsewhere.  See Placing a Membership on Hold for more detais.  The Hold Shipment until is used to delay shipping the wine, see Postponing a Wine Club Shipment.

When Hold Shipment until is used the system does not postpone charging a customer it just changes the projected ship date on the order to whatever date is in the Hold Shipment until field.

If the address the customer wants their shipment delivered to is already in their account, for example if the customer has shipped any wine to the address before, the ship to address will already be in their account.  Click on the glyph to see if the address is there, if not select Add to add a new address.

In this example we will create a new address to demonstrate the entire process.  If the shipment is still being delivered to the customer but just a different address then I suggest cloning the Bill or shipping address, that way the only thing that needs to be edited is the description and the shipping address and if necessary the shipping code. So, once Add is selected on the screen above, select either Clone Bill Ship address or Clone Bill Bill Address.  Clone Bill Ship address is going to clone the Bill to's shipping address, Clone Bill Bill address is going to clone the Bill to's billing address.

When the necessary information is changed select Accept to add the shipping override.

Review the information for accuracy and select Done/Return.

If the customer does not want their club shipment shipped at all, they want to pick up the shipment at the winery, follow the same steps above but change the shipping code to the Will Call code. When adding a will call temporary ship to be sure to put Will Call in the description.  Otherwise you won't know which of the temporary ship to addresses is the will call one when viewing the choices from the drop down.

If the customer is a snowbird, tell the system that the shipping override is a recurring entry by selecting the Recurring entry box.  Choosing this box will not automatically change the shipping address every year during the same time frame but it allows the user to search on customers who continually change their shipping address.  The reason the system does not automatically change the ship to address every year during the same time frame is that there is no guarantee that the person will not change their snowbird address in any given year.  By pulling a report on your customers with the Recurring entry field marked, the customer can be contacted to see if they would still like their wine shipped to the snow bird address.  This report can be pulled in the advanced search of CRM, see Using Advance Search Functions.




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