DOM: Sending Shipping Notifications To Consumers

DOM: Sending Shipping Notifications To Consumers


Send Winery or Warehouse branded shipping emails to end consumers.  Do this instead of having the carrier (UPS, FedEx) send their email.

Why would you want to send your own emails?

The carrier email is typically sent once the shipment is created, we have all seen that email from "UPS Quantum Notify" before, only to click the tracking link to be greeted with something along the lines of "there is no activity for this yet" or "invoice info received from shipper".

Another example, buffering out shipping errors.  You might create a shipping label my mistake, or need to re-pack and create a second label.  If the carrier sends the notification the consumer will receive multiple emails, by sending the emails yourself you control when they are sent.

When the AMS system is configured to send shipping notification emails, and you are our UPS and FedEx Shipping Label Integration we tell the carrier (UPS/FedEx) not to send the tracking email from their service.

You then send those tracking emails at a time of your choosing via the DOM screen.

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Where Is It Found


  • Custom HTML, looks the way you design
  • Branded with Warehouse Logo
  • optionally branded with Winery Logo

Maintaining Winery Logos:

Winery logos are maintained from menu option PW.ACW.  Add or Change Winery.

You will see a button labeled "Winery Image Choices" in the upper right.  For the logos to look correct in the resulting emails, they must be loaded into AMS in the correct size and aspect ratio.  The specification for the proper dimensions will be shown to you if you attempt to upload an image of improper dimensions.

Sending Shipment Notifications:

Notification are sent in batch by the DOM program. To send notifications

  1. Start DOM, PWEDI.DOM
  2. Work with Batches
  3. Choose a batch from the grid, then hit "Select Batch"
  4. Check the orders you wish to send emails to, then choose "work with checked."
  5. Verify your selected orders, once you are satisfied, choose the "Warehouse Shipment Notifications" button
  6. Again, preview and confirm, once satisfied hit "Email All Ship Notifications"
  7. You're done!

Feature Setup & Control

Please contact AMS to start setup.


AMS Staff - Backend Setup Notes Below:

See JIRA PW-300 for original project SOW.

Azure Cloud Storage:

This feature makes use of cloud storage for the images used in emails.  An account must be setup per AMS customer.

Azure config file is located in V1\PGMS\Custom\AzureAcntInfo.txt

HTML E-mail Template:

Starter template is located here.


Warehouse Logo:

The warehouse logo is required with the dimensions 600x106 to fit the email template above.  The logo must be uploaded to the Azure Cloud using SykAzureUtil.cmd, then the link is stored in V1\*ACNT*\Custom\DOMWHSEEMAILLOGO.TXT

Configuring the FROM: Address for emails

