Warehouse Real-Time Picking

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What is this feature, why does it exist, what problem does it solve?

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Video Overview

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Where Is It Found



  • View into Real-time status of picking operations for warehouse managment
  • Reduced picking errors with barcode scanning
  • Greater efficency for drivers, no more returning to collect or turn in paper picks
  • Drivers can report picking exceptions in real time, no more paper notes
  • Warehouse managment can assigns picks to drivers on the fly, or drivers can choose their own

Feature Setup & Control


Feature Overview & Examples

General Picking Procedure

Process Overview

Logging In

Choosing What To Work On

Scanning Picking Up Product

Picking Exceptions

Inbound Processing, Assigning Licence Plate Barcodes To Product

Process Overview

Questions and Limitations

Enabling Realtime

Will prevent staged (hold in 20-reserved status) transactions, with the exception of staged receives

Will prevent reversals unless no transactions against the plate numbers

What IS a plate?

A "plate" is a virtual container that lives in a lane.  The plate can contain one or more products.