Order/Club Control

Order/Club Control



The order club control houses the state control for shipping orders in Order Management (PSORM.ORM) and internet orders, the shipping codes that can be used for each state and wine club control for Dynamic Pricing for Retail and Wine Club Customers.

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  • Each state is designated as OK to ship for internet and non-inet
  • The shipment policies for your AMS web cart are added on the State Control section
  • Customer templates are specified for new customers on the web and in the tasting room when using the Customer Quick Add feature
  • The shipping codes set up in the Maintain Shipping Charges (MSC) menu are designated for specific states for the internet and Inet
  • Shipping codes descriptions to be displayed on the AMS web cart are added here
  • Dynamic Pricing for Retail and Wine Club Customers is set up in the Wine Club Control Section

Feature Setup & Control


Feature Overview & Examples

State Control

The function of the state control is to tell the system what states shipping is allowed to and in which system, i.e. touchscreen and web cart.  It also houses the customer template for each state for the Customer Quick Add function and the webcart.  Without these customer templates, the system does not know what codes to input into the customer record that will be created when the customer makes a purchase.  If using multiple tasting rooms in AMS for retail transactions, each tasting room will need to be set up.  The ability to copy from one Tasting room to another is available once one tasting room is set up.  To copy, select Copy from TR to TR in the Code Filter/Copy Functions, then select the tasting room to copy from and the tasting room to copy to.  The code Filter/Copy Functions can also be used to filter the data displayed on the screen.

In order for a customer to enter billing or shipping information for their online order, an appropriate template needs to be set up in the state control and OK Inet needs to be checked.  To create customer templates, see Customer Default Templates (MCT), if the templates are already created, place your cursor in the cell in column Inet Cust template and type in the code for the template or click on the glyph that appears and select the template.  Once you hit enter, the entry will be saved and the template description will auto populate.  In order to add a Customer Quick Add, a Quick add template must be added to the Quick add Template column; the template for quick add and inet can be the same.  If there is not a template in the Quick Add template column, the clerk will receive the error below when trying to add a customer.  Just like the state control, if using multiple tasting rooms in AMS, there is a copy function to copy from one tasting room to another.  The user also has the ability to filter the data displayed on the screen by selecting one of the filter choices in Code Filter/Copy Functions.

Shipping Control

The Order Shipping Control page tells the system which shipping codes are to be used with each state.  For example, each state may have multiple options for shipping such as UPS or Fed ex ground, 2day, and overnight.  The shipping codes that are entered into this screen are the shipping codes that will be available to customers who purchase on the internet determined by the state that the order is being shipped to.  The Sort Column is the order the codes are to appear in Cash Register (TCH) and the web cart.  If there are special shipping codes for club members only, the club code(s) can be added in the column Valid only for clubs.  The Inet Description is what will display to the customer when they are choosing a shipping method for their order.

In Cash Register (TCH) and Order Management (PSORM.ORM)  any shipping code can be chosen that is not set up for the state but the system will warn the clerk.

Wine Club Control

The wine club control works in conjunction with dynamic pricing.  Dynamic pricing allows the user to use one pricing code in every club members record but allows customers to have different pricing based on the club(s) they are part of and the tasting room they are purchasing from.  If using dynamic pricing the system will look to the wine club control to determine the appropriate pricing for the club member.  Price code data entry mistakes are eliminated or minimized by only using one pricing code for club members.  In this table, each clu is ranked, the pricing of the highest number takes precedence.  For example, if a customer is a member of multiple clubs, one club gets a 20% discount and the other gets a 25% discount, the system will look at the clubs the customer belongs to and charge them the price type of the highest ranking club in the MOC wine club control, which should be the 25% club.  If a company has multiple tasting rooms, there would need to be an entry and ranking for each room.  If club members of one tasting room will receive discounts in another tasting room, that club code will have to be ranked in each tasting room they are to receive a discount in.  For information on adding the dynamic pricing feature, see Dynamic Pricing for Retail and Wine Club Customers.

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