Creating A New Part Number INFMM.ACP


Part Code – The part code has a maximum of 10 characters – alphanumeric. This screen will be used for all items that will be sold, both in the OE and PS modules. A few examples are:

1. Wine

2. Merchandise

3. Tasting Fees

4. Packaging Materials

5. Tirage Wine

6. Event items

The recommendation is to always try to put logic into these codes. One recommendation would be to separate wine from all other products. If your wine codes will start with the varietal – letters, we would recommend using numbers to start all other products. And reversed, if your wine products start with the vintage - numbers. Spend some time planning out the sku’s. They can be changed later but it would require intervention by our programming staff.

Table of Contents

Articles Referenced in this Article

Articles that Reference this Article

Central Table References

Where Is It Found

Setup & Control

 The below will cover each Table Reference, Miscellaneous setting, and Inactive/Active/Hot flag.

Descriptions section

1. Short Description: Used for the Retail receipt printer and some inquiry screens

2. Standard Description: Used for AMS reporting. A few reports allow you to choose the Standard

or full description.

3. Full Description: This description has two lines. This is what will print on Bill of Ladings and

Invoices. It is also recommended that you enter the actual alcohol number in the Full Description.

The TTB requires the actual alcohol – not just over or under 14 – to be printed on all Bills of

Lading and invoices.

Table Reference Section

The part master requires many tables to be set up before you can setup a part as they are used on all

parts. The tables listed below are the ones used in the part master and are almost all user-defined.

There are a few rules about some of these tables but the majority is strictly for sorting purposes for



  • The tables with screenshots below are those that have more fields than just the code and description to fill in.
  • Sort Codes are present in all central table files. They allow for sorting in an alternate option from alphanumeric. If you would like to set these up please contact an AMS Representatives as there is backend setup that needs to be done before the alternate sort can be used.

LBL: Label Code

The label code is a 4 digit code that has multiple uses. A recommendation is to have a unique label code for each product WITHOUT the vintage. With this you can:

a. Run sales reports over multiple years without going to the vintage detail. That way you can see how a certain product is selling over the years.

b. You can do a sales budget based on the label code. This way you don’t need to know when you are going to change vintages. You would just budget to that customer or area for a certain quantity for the year.

c. You can enter Depletions based on the label code. If your distributor does not give you the vintage in their reporting you can enter the depletions based just on Label.

One of the requirements on the LBL table is to enter the units per case. If you bottle a wine both in 6 packs and 12 packs, it will be necessary to set up two different label codes. You will also need a different LBL code for each bottle size of wine.


These two codes are ONLY used by the PA module and ONLY if you are inventorying POS materials. If you are not doing either of these, LEAVE THESE FIELDS BLANK. If you decide to use the Profit Analysis system later, these fields filled in could cause major problems. *See PA Overview and Setup document if you will be using the PA module.

TIR: Tier code

This is a four-digit code used only for sorting and reporting.

PDT: Product Type Code

This two-digit code is used for sorting and reporting. The product type (PDT) table also controls if cost-plus markup pricing is allowed for a specific part (or category of parts).

PDG: Product Group Code

This is a six-digit code used for sorting and reporting. Since there are six digits, many clients use the PDT for a summary code and the PDG for more detail. An example would be PDT of Merchandise and PDG’s for each type, books, wine accessories, clothing, etc. This code is also used in public warehouse billing, unless you are using the PW (public warehouse) module please ignore the bottom of the screen.

BRN: Brand Code

This is a two-digit code used for sorting and reporting.

CAT: Category code

This is a four-digit code used for sorting and reporting.

TAX: Tax Class Code

This is a single-digit code that is critical for calculating Excise Taxes. When the system is loaded on your server, it is loaded with Tax Class 1 for under 16% and Tax Class 2 for 16% and over. If you do sparkling you will need to set up a code for that. You will also need something for Non-Wine – usually, N. If you are copying from one part to add a new one, this field will NOT be populated from the “copied from” part. This field changes from vintage to vintage and it is too easy to skip fixing that so we made it not copy. The tax per gallon rates are preloaded into the system when your company is created. After the initial load if there are any changes to the tax per gallon rate it is the CLIENT's responsibility to update the rates in this table.

VAR: Varietal Code

This is a two-digit code used for sorting and reporting. The system comes pre-loaded with normal varietals. During setup, you can add or delete the pre-loaded codes as you need.

BSZ: Bottle Size Code

This single-digit code defines the size of the bottle. This field is like the Tax Class as it is used in calculating the Excise Taxes. It also cannot be copied into a new part. The U/std CS in the chart on the left will be used to define the Units per Standard Case later in this set-up. Things needed in this table are:

a. Gallons per bottle – this figure is in the chart to the left on this table. Find the bottle size and enter the Gallons number from this chart

b. Sort Code – optional

c. Liters per Bottle – this figure is also in the chart on the left.

d. The rest of the fields on this screen are for the Public Warehouse module DOM.

PFC: Part Financial Code

This is a two-digit code that is used for posting to the General Ledger. If you have GL accounts for Wine Sales by Brand, you would need a separate PFC code for each Brand. AMS posts by the combination of CFC – Customer financial Code, PFC – Part Financial Code, and ETP – Entry Type. For each revenue account, you need to post to, one of these three things needs to be unique.

UOM: Unit of Measure

This is a two-digit code. The system is pre-loaded with basics. Wine would always be set up as CS even though the Retail System sells it as bottles. Other examples are gallon, each, gram, pound, etc.

YRS: Years

This two-digit code is for the vintage. The system comes preloaded with vintages 00-10 for 2000-2010, NW for non-wine, and NV for non-vintage. You will need to add in future vintages as needed.

INU: Intended use code

This is up to a six-digit code that is used for sorting and reporting. The default is NA and is the only thing preloaded into the system.

PDL: Product Line

This is a two-digit code used for sorting and reporting.

SPC: State Product Category

This is a single-digit code that was originally set up for our Legal Compliance module. That module is now defunct but this code can be used to separate wine from other products for sales tax purposes. Some states have a different sales tax rate for alcohol vs non-wine. The options for this table cannot be changed and are as follows:

SGA: Supplies Geographic Area

This six-digit code is used for sorting and reporting.

PKG: Package Code

This four-digit code is used to calculate shipping charges for Non-Wine merchandise. You can group like items and enter a shipping cost in the Shipping Table. An example might be book rate to charge a specific rate for all books. If this will not be used to calculate shipping charges for a non-wine item leave blank.

CTC: Custom Text Code

This is a four-digit code used for clients who do custom labels for customers. This will usually be blank.

NVC: Nevada Certificate Code

This is a six-digit code that was designed for the Nevada Certificate number. Most clients only have one Nevada Certificate so it is not necessary to populate this field. If this is the case for you, then you can use this field for anything you want to for sorting and reporting. If you have multiple Nevada Certificates – as for different brands – then you would need to enter the appropriate Certificate number for that product.

Miscellaneous Section

Unit/Case: Units per Case

This is a mandatory field. This is for the physical number of bottles in the case. This is another field that does not copy.

Units/Std Case: Units per Standard Case.

This is a mandatory field. This is a calculated number for the 9-liter equivalency. The chart back on the BSZ table will give you the Units per Standard Case. The default (based on a ZZZ entry) will force the system to have the correct Units/Std case.

Cases/Pallet: Cases per Pallet

How many cases are in a pallet of this wine? This can be used for doing inventory. If you have the correct Cases per pallet, you can count by pallet for all full pallets. This field does not need to be filled in.

Pounds/Case: Pounds per Case

What is the weight of each case? This is mainly used for Public Warehouses that need to let the trucker know how many pounds they are loading. It is still good information to have at the winery level too. This field is optional.

Excise Tax $ Control

** See document GL Excise Tax Dollar Control**

F.E.T. Override

This was designed for a client who sold spirits. It is not needed for wine.

Sales Tax?

If this item is sold to a taxable customer, is this product taxable? The “Y” flag has to be on both the Customer AND the Part for the system to automatically calculate taxes.

Rules Exempt

This is a field that was set up for one customer and not typically used by anyone else.

Default Shipping Location

This would only be used if this product can only be shipped out of one location. This was mainly set up for spirits which have to be in their own location.


This was done for one warehouse location – not used at all anymore.

Alcohol %

This was included for the now-defunct legal compliance module. It is a place where you can enter your Alcohol % even though it is not used anywhere, though a report could be run to show you alcohol percent if this field were filled in on each part.

Reorder Point/Qty

This field was set up for merchandise. If you put in at what qty you need to reorder and how many you would reorder, you can run a report to let the system help you know what needs to be reordered. You would probably only enter this info on items you never want to run out of.


This field would be used in conjunction with the Reorder Point to let you run the report for reordering sorted by the vendor. Though it never hurts to fill in a vendor for parts, so you can reference it when it is time to reorder.


This identifies if the item is inventoried or not – Stock vs Non-Stock. Tasting Fees is an example of an item you sell and need a product code, but would not inventory. The Package option has two options of its own.

  • Stock Package – In this situation, you would do an inventory re-pack to move the individual items out of inventory and put them into the new Package Inventory. Sales reports can be run by component parts OR Package parts in the Retail System. When a Stock Package goes over to the Whole Company reports – the SA reports – you would see the package and not the individual component parts. The main reason for this option is so you can sell the package on the Web and the stock can be checked.

  • Non-Stock Package – In this situation, there is no change in the actual inventory. Again, in the Retail System, you can run reports either way. When these sales go to the SA reports, they will be shown as sales of the component parts. There is an update notice to describe how to set up Packages.

Use Component Parts in calculation for PS Shipping calc

The shipping rates are set up based on the number of bottles. You can either set up a PKG code for the gift pack and enter rates, set up a unique BSZ code for the package (remember there are only 36 available – 10 numbers and 26 letters), or use this field to calculate based on component parts.

Vendor Part #

This would be used along with reorder and Vendor for help in purchasing.


A place to document what the COLA ID is for the individual part.


This field is used to keep track of your lot numbers or ID, if used.

Release Date

Enter the date the wine was released. This is for information only EXCEPT for futures being sold on the Web.

Production Estimate

This is a great place to document what your production was of this product for historical information.

PO Lead Time

This would be used most commonly for Packaging Goods if using the MRP module. It helps in the ordering process.

Add to Cases for Discount

This field should be filled in with a Y for Yes.

UPC Code

Enter the UPC code if applicable. This will be used in a couple of instances.

  • If using scanners in the Tasting Room, you can scan the barcode. If this is a pre-packaged merchandise item, you can enter the barcode that is on their packaging.

  • If using scanners again, if it is a wine, AND your wine UPC codes do not have the vintage included, the system will check the Tasting Room inventory. If they only have one vintage in inventory, the system will sell that vintage. If they have multiple vintages, the system will bring up a list of the applicable wine.

  • If selling to chain stores – we can have the UPC code print on an Invoice if the customer master is set up correctly.

PS Allocations

If this item is going to be allocated in the Retail system, enter A for active.

Broker Commissions OK

Is this a part that will have commissions calculated on it? Only used in conjunction with the Broker Commissions module.

OE Allocations?

There are four options. They are described in detail in the Allocation document.

  1. N - Not an allocated part
  2. S - Setup, no order entry checks
  3. A - Active, order entry checks enabled
  4. I - Inactive, order entry checks enabled


There are two options:

  1. A - Annual allocations expire at the end of the fiscal year.
  2. P - Perpetual allocations survive for the life of the part.

SCC Code

Shipping container Code – Enter value if known.


Choose A, I or H for each of the following modules. Active and Inactive are obvious but Hot is something you can use to run certain inventory reports. If you have a product that you do not want the Tasting Room to sell any longer, you can put an “ I “ in the PS box but it would still be available for sale thru OE.

a. Part List

b. Cost List

c. On Hand

d. OE

e. IN

f. PO

g. PS

**The whole bottom line is for the Public Warehouse Module only.**