APIDM.PIN Print Invoice Edit List
After finishing the entry of your invoices, manual checks, or invoice change batches you would print your edit list. The edit list serves as the report used to verify your entries are correct. If there are any errors now is the time to fix them in the batch before updating and posting the batch.
Table of Contents
Where Is It Found
Accounts Payable Invoice Edit List
Screen Options:
Unposted batches or all batches in the Range:
Option U: Select to print all batches that have not been updated to the A/P module. Using this option you would leave the Batch ID range fields blank.
Option R: Select to print the edit list for only a specific batch or re-print a batch that has already been updated. Then fill in your Batch Id range.
Select only batches created by user: This would be used if you have multiple employees entering A/P batches. One user would not want to be messing with another user's batches
Once you have your options selected you would Stream the report.
Example Report
No Errors found - Batch is ready to Post
Errors found - Batch is NOT ready to post
In this sample, the difference is not correct. This batch would NOT post to the AP system as is.
Go back to the Header via menu option APIDM.EIN and fix the gross amount or fix the invoices entered to make the difference equal $0.00. Once you fix the batch re-print your edit list to confirm all entries are once again correct.
After you verified all information you would then Update Data Base with New Invoices.