BI Wine Making Overview and Set-Up

BI Wine Making Overview and Set-Up

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System Overview

The AMS bulk wine inventory tracking module (BI for short) is a comprehensive software system that allows the user to record the details of winemaking activities and other important information. The tracking begins with grape harvest and ends with bottling.

Harvest reporting subsystem

This subsystem tracks the progress of grapes in the vineyard and helps evaluate the proper time to harvest. It reports projected harvest tonnage and remaining tons to be harvested at any time during or before harvest. It allows entry, tracking and reporting of weigh tags and the yield by weigh tag.

Fermentation system

The system was written to closely monitor the early fermentation of the juice. This system produces work sheets for checking tanks and reports on the progress of the fermentation. As the Chemistry feature in AMS has evolved over the years, you can also track this detail in that area of the system which allows you to graph your results as well. Talk with AMS first, to decide which option may be better for you.

Transaction entry and Recomputing

The AMS Bulk Inventory System is transaction (event) based using a user defined coding system. It has re-computation capabilities that allow correction of errors at the source. When movements are entered tank statuses and compositions are updated immediately. If an entry error occurs, that transaction may be corrected or inactivated to correct the problem.
Transactions (i.e.: crushing of weigh tags, tank or barrel movements, additions, etc.) can be entered at any time in any order. Up to 40 "from/to" combinations can be entered in a single transaction for a given date and time.

Transaction inquiry and reporting

Transaction history can be viewed on-line and printed from the transaction inquiry screen. This screen has the ability to search transactions for events or codes such as blends, tanks or transaction codes. Analysis and additions can also be viewed in this screen. The same information is also available in transaction reports, which can be sorted in numerous ways.

Multiple plant processing

Wines can be tracked in multiple plants. Plants are processed separately and wine can be easily shipped and received between plants.

Status inquiry and reporting

Current tank status, composition, analysis, accumulated additions and other status information can be viewed on-line in the tank status inquiry screen. The same information is also available in tank status reports, which can be sorted by any code attached to the tank such as variety, vineyard, blend, status, etc.

Trial blending and composition

Trial blends can be created through the use of the trial blend screen.

Additions tracking

Chemical additions to tanks and barrels are tracked as wine is blended through the system. Cumulative additions can be reported for any tank or blend.


User-defined analysis codes are used to track analysis taken on tanks or barrels. Analysis of tanks can be entered at any time; there is no requirement that the laboratory enter their data "in sync" with the cellar.

Dollars tracking

Along with composition, additions, and analysis, the corresponding dollars are tracked in the system. User-defined component costs can be added to a tank at any time, increasing the value of the tank. These additional dollars are then tracked by component with the wine.

Compliance and backtracking

702 reporting are easy and automatically accomplished by the 702 reporting system. Transactions are mapped into the proper 702 columns by transaction code, quantity type and tax class.
The wine backtrack report traces a wine back to its origins, showing all the transactions that affected a wine and the average days the wine spent in tanks by type.

Barrel Tracking and Bar Coding

Individual barrels can be serialized and bar coded and the attributes stored. The complete history of the barrel is tracked by scanning barrel bar codes and "attaching" them to transactions in the computer. Also a wine's time in barrels and the barrel attributes can be tracked.

Explanation of data flow

Material is received through contracts. Grapes through grape contracts, must, juice, wine and concentrate through bulk contracts. Grape contracts are referenced when weigh tags are entered into the system. The weigh tags are then crushed into tanks, either into gallons of juice or pounds of must. Bulk contracts are received directly into tanks. Once the liquid is in tanks normal processing will occur, for example: adding yeast, filtering, moving to barrels etc. For material to leave the system, one of three things must happen: 1) Bottling 2) Shipment 3) Loss. Bottling wine will automatically update the general inventory system with the proper quantity of cases and bottles.

The following chart shows basic data flow through the AMS system:

Moving within the System:

There are multiple ways to move within the AMS system.


  • You can single click on the code/description to expand and collapse the menus/screen in the tree. To open, you will need to double click on the code/description name.


  • You can enter the code into the field and the system will open that screen from anywhere within the system.

Codes used in the system:

Most codes used in this system are user defined. The BI module requires information about your winery facility and your specific winemaking processes.

The system comes with some pre-loaded generic codes however, you can Add, Delete, Change and Review these codes to be sure they are specific to your company and procedures. Below is a list of the codes available for use. Most are required but some are optional.

  • PCT: Plant code is used to separate physical locations or bonded wineries, although it is possible to have multiple plants in a single bonded winery.
  • LOC: Location code is to separate physical locations within plant codes, such as barrel barn or crush pad.
  • TTY: Tank type indicates the material and type of which the vessel is made, for example: stainless steel tank, Drum, oak barrel, open fermenter, etc.
  • VNT: Vintage is an up to 4-character code used in wine composition and blend numbers. It indicates the harvest year of the grapes. It is recommended a 2 character code to allow you to have more than 10 years of vintage in your system. Example 09 and 19 vintage.
  • VAR: Variety is an up to 3-character code used in wine composition and blend numbers. It indicates the variety of the grapes. Example ZN or ZIN for Zinfandel.
  • VIN: Vineyard is an up to 4-character code that is used to track the vineyard in the composition and blend numbers. This indicates the area of origin for the grape and can be specific to the vineyards blocks, or sometimes more general area (non vineyard designate), if vineyard detail is not desired.
  • APP: Appellation is a 4-character code that indicates which appellation a vineyard is in.
  • DST: District is a 2-character code that indicates which of the thirteen California districts a vineyard is in. This is pre-loaded for you in the system.
  • JUI: Juice type code is stored as part of the wine composition, it generally indicates the quality of the pressed juice, for example: press, hard press or free run.
  • BNT: Blend number type controls the formulation of the blend number, indicating which codes are used in the blend number and the order in which they appear.
  • INU: Intended Use is a 6-character code used to project what type of wine the contract will end up being. It may also be used in the blend number.
  • TAX: Tax Class is assigned to a tank or barrel group containing wine to indicate the governments' classification of that wine.
  • TST: Tank Status is an optional 6-character code assigned to a tank or barrel group indicating its current status, for example: fermenting, polished filtered or cold and heat stabilized.
  • UDC: User defined is an up to 10-character code used in the blend number to indicate anything, for example: red or white, lot, sub lot or client.
  • OWN: Owner is a, up to, 6-character code used in the blend number to indicate owner.
  • TRN: Transaction code is used in transaction entry to control the entry screens in the transaction entry screen (EIT).

Blend number

Blend number needs to be addressed first when setting up your codes because other codes discussed later are used to create it. Many AMS reports sort by blend. Therefore, some thought must go into the formulation of this code.

Some call this lot, but no matter what it's called it's the code that names the wine in a vessel or group of vessels. The blend number can be up to 20 characters if needed. Each portion of this code must be defined.

An example of a typical blend number might be: 98CHDP where 98 is the vintage, CH is the variety (Chardonnay), DP is the vineyard code. This blend number definition only addresses the first six characters in this example and the remaining characters are considered undefined and any characters may be used in those positions.

What code is used in which position and the length of that code is up to you and set up using the (BNT) Blend Number Type. If you want your blend code to be 2 characters for vintage, variety, vineyard, etc., you must set up those codes in the (BICDM.CMC) - Bulk Inventory - Code Definition - Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes – table codes with 2 characters, see example of variety below. If you want 3 characters, then this would also need a 3 character code length.

If custom crushing at your facility for others, you may wish to make the first two characters in the blend number an owner code. This will make it much easier to track and run reports separate from each other. An example of a blend code might be CC98CHGOOD where CC is for Custom Crush owner, 98 is the Vintage, CH is the varietal, and GOOD is the Vineyard. The balance of this blend code is blank, but it could reference a block or any other description desired.

Again this is up to you but keep in mind that the BNT field set up must equal 20. If you have only defined 12, you would enter the last 8 as table reference UND for undefined.

Some may also include an R (RED) and W (WHITE) within their blend code so they can report on this field. You have other options to select varieties to separate your red and white wine, but you have to select those multiple varieties each time you run your reports.

You will set up and define the Blend Number parameters in the Table Codes under (BNT) Blend Number Type in the System Step-Up, below.

Users and Security

The AMS menu system organizes individual AMS programs into menus and modules. It also provides security to limit what programs and modules a user can access. It is important to note these AMS features below and how they relate to security.

  • You may grant a user inquiry-only access to some AMS programs

  • You can password protect individual menu options

  • You can let a user see all BI menus but only use selected menu options

  • You can create a custom menu for an individual user and limit their access to that menu only

  • If your winery does winemaking for others (custom crush) your clients can access your server and run reports containing only their wine. (IRW only)

The BI module enhances the standard security of the AMS menu system by optionally limiting a user's data access to specific production facilities (plants).

The BI module can also block a user's access to financial information such as the value of a tank of wine.

You may want to set up only those BI users that will have full access to the BI module for the immediate need of system Set-up and code descriptions. When you are ready for other users, you can revisit this process and work with your System Administrator to complete each users set up and security.

(SYAMU.MCU) – System Administration – Menu Maintenance – Maintain computer user control files.

This example shows the user JOE being added. The menu Joe will see when he first signs on is the BI main menu. His access code is BI which most likely will give him access to the entire BI module.

System Setup and Code definitions


This section will guide you through the step-by-step process in order to operate the AMS Bulk Inventory system. The individual codes can all be set up from one table screen, however be sure that you do not do your set up according to order of this table, but to follow the document as to which code you need to do in what order. The system comes pre-loaded with some codes, and those masters will be displayed below in each step. There are some codes that are noted as optional and these do not have to be filled in unless you wish to use this area in the system. You will need to Review the codes size, description and use and then determine if you need to Add, Change, or Delete as needed.

Step #1 - Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes-Blend Number (BICDM.CMC)

This screen is used to set up the Facility, Product and Processing codes and their description in one place. Be sure to follow the order outlined in this document for some are needed to do others.

(BNT) - Blend Number Type - Product Codes

The system comes pre-loaded with a sample Blend Number listed as a Code Type B = (2 Character Vintage, 2 Characters Variety and 16 Characters Undefined).This represents a 20 character code all together. The structure of the code is user defined and allows for a more detailed blend number that fits your needs as well as gives you additional options when using the search, sort and reporting features in the system.

Again this is user defined and another option for the Code Type B might be a (2 Character Variety, 2 Character Vintage, 2 Character Grower and then undefined as 14 characters. This means in the last 14 characters you can enter what you wish, but there are not sorting capabilities on it. To the right you will see the Reference codes that you can use to establish your blend number. These are all defined, and sorting and inquiry can happen on each of these if you desire your code to be that specific.

(Reference Blend Number Overview, Page 9 keep track of the length of each field so you will be sure to set the individual code length up consistently as you move through the document.

Blend number type

This is a single digit that says this blend consists of the following codes. You can have more than one blend type, but most clients have only one (B).

Field length

The number of digits assigned to this specific code which is a part of the blend code. This would always be the same number of digits for this specific code.

Table reference

The table ID for each code. The options are listed in the columns on the right hand side of the screen with their maximum lengths.

Show Description on reports

You can only choose two of the table references as the descriptions to show on reports. An example would be to put a Y on VNT and VAR which would give a description of 98 Chardonnay.

Step #2 - Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes-Facility Code (BICDM.CMC)

The tables documented in this section are used primarily to describe physical aspects of your winery. The BI module needs to know things such as; what is the name of your company? How many winemaking facilities (Plants) do you use? How many rooms (locations)?

(CO) - Company Name – Facility Codes

Use this screen to enter the company name you wish to appear on the top line of all printed reports.

Enter "NAME"

When the screen first displays, you are prompted with the field heading to enter name. This is to be taken literally. Type the word NAME, then press enter.

Company Name

Type the actual name of your winery in the field titled "company name". Enter spaces as needed before the name to manually center it in the field.

(PCT) - Plant – Facility Codes

Use this screen to enter your plants (wine production or storage facility).


  • Your winery's main production facility
  • An off-site barrel storage warehouse
  • A bulk wine "treatment" facility such as Vinovation

Bonded winery number

This is the bonded winery number for the referenced plant and is used to map inventories and winemaking activities to the correct "702". Generally each plant will be assigned a different BW number by the TTB, however if more that one plant is assigned the same BW number the BI module will correctly merge the information for the plants as needed when producing the 702.

Setup date

You may fill this in or leave it blank. If left blank the software will place today's date in the field.

Inactive date

Fill in only to make a plant inactive once it falls into disuse.

Default blend# type

Each tank of wine must have a blend number. The BI module allows up to 20 letters/numbers to be used in a blend number. The BI module requires you to define how you plan to layout your blend numbers. This is done in table BNT by attaching a set of layout rules to a single letter of the alphabet. In unusual circumstances you may wish to use a different blend number layout in different plants. This is where you tell the BI module which blend layout is used for this plant. Most AMS installations use the letter B for the layout used in all plants. See BICDM.CMC Table BNT for more information.

Default addition entry set

Chemical additions may be grouped into addition sets (See BICDM.MAC). If an addition set is used frequently in a plant you may enter the set code here to make it the default addition entry set for this plant. (This feature is of limited use. The field may be left blank.)

(LOC) - Location – Facility Codes

This table is used to describe the locations within your plant. (Rooms, Buildings, Etc.). Since tanks and barrels are always assigned to a location this code is useful when sorting inventory reports that will be used when verifying physical inventory.

Location Code - This is a mandatory field, however if you are not using it in this manner you can create a code of NA = Not Applicable so you can select it when required.

(TTY) - Tank types – Facility Codes

This table is used to define your tank types in the system. (Examples: SS - Stainless Steel, RDW – Redwood, BRLS – Barrels).


These codes come pre-loaded in the system.

The AMS bulk wine system has two barrel tracking methods: simple and complex. Both methods track groups of barrels which are treated like a single tank in many instances. The complex barrel tracking system permits (and requires) each barrel to be identified by a unique identifier. This permits extensive tracking by barrel attributes (toast, forest, cooper etc.). The simple barrel tracking system does not allow individual barrels to be tracked. The important thing to keep in mind is that each barrel group can only have one tank type. This is not a problem when the complex barrel tracking system is used since the attributes of each barrel are known to the system through each barrel's unique identifier. When the simple barrel tracking method is used it is tempting to try to track barrel types (French oak, American oak etc.) through the tank type code. This may not work well since only one tank type can be assigned to a "barrel" tank and you may wish to mix barrel types within the "barrel" tank.

(VSS) - Vessel Styles – Facility Codes

This is an optional table, used to define picking vessels (bins).

This table allows the weigh tag entry screen to compute complex tare weights. During harvest a truck may arrive with one set of vessels containing grapes and leave with a different set of vessels that are empty. The truck is weighed coming and going. Because this table provides the weight of each vessel style, the weigh tag screen is able to compute the true weight of the grapes despite the change in the mix of vessels coming and going.

(UAC) User Access – Facility Codes

This area is no longer accessed through the system in this manner however, you need to access this through SYACTL.CBU screen instead.

(SYACTL.CBU) - Change Bulk Inventory user access

Once the user has been added to the AMS menu system and your facility set up has been completed you can use this screen to add a user to the BI (Bulk Inventory module)


User access to dollars (Y, N)

If "Y" is entered here the user will be able to enter and see dollar information. If "N" they would not.

Current plant code

For a new user, this is the plant code the user will be accessing when they first sign on. If the user was signed on but isn't now, it is the plant code they accessed last and is the plant code they will be assigned to when they sign back on.

User may access the following plant codes

Enter all of the plant codes the user should have access to. Access will be limited to this list. If you have too many plants to list in the space provided, you may enter ** instead of entering each one but you must list at least one plant. The user will be granted access to all plants.

Default plant code for trial blend screen (BIISM.CTB)

The choices are:

  • Enter a plant code. Do this when a user uses more than one plant, but the majority of their trial blend work will be in one certain plant.

  • Enter ** is no longer a valid option.

  • Leave blank. The trial blend screen will default to the user's current plant code.


Step #3 - Print Misc. Codes (BICDM.PMC)


AMS provided you with standard code definitions that came pre-loaded with the system. You may want to print out this list again or any page of this list that will now include your specific winery information. To do so, this screen allows you to print one or multiple code master reports by selecting your criteria and then the button to Stream and Exit. A window will display with the report in it, select the X (Close Button) for the viewing and a pop up screen will display giving you options on what you want to do.

(Example show all active code list to be printed)

Inactive or Active

It is suggested that you run the list as indicated above to minimize the paper. If you are looking to add a code and want to see all of the prior codes that have been entered and are now inactive, then you should change the indicator to "Y" so all active and inactive codes display.

Select all Tables

You can select a "Y" for All tables or a "N" for just a individual table that can be selected with a "Y" next to the single or multiple reports you wish to run.

Sort Using Sort Code

N for No

Spool Name

Should be set to VIEW

Report Copies

How many copies of this report do you wish to print?

Stream and Exit

Select this option to send the report to process and exit this screen

Stream No Exit

Select this option to send the report to process and not exit this screen

Step #4 - Create/Change/Print Grower Master (BICDM.CGM)

This screen is used to set up all of your growers that will be tied to individual vineyards later in the set up. This is the contact information for the grower and you can connect multiple vineyards to it. This has nothing to do with AP for their vendors come from a different source.

The only field that is required is the name. The others are optional.

(BICDM.PGM) - Bulk Inventory - Printing Growers Masters

If you want to get a list of growers that you entered before proceeding with the rest of the setup. The job of requesting a grower list is pictured below. You need not enter the grower codes into the screen unless you wish to limit the report to a few specific growers.

Select the criteria you wish to report or leave blank for all. Then Select the Stream button and the report will display on your screen or for printing. (See Below)

Step #5 - Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes – Product Codes (BICDM.CMC)

Although you have already been in this screen for Facility Code set-up we are now going to set up codes attributes related to Product Codes.

(VNT) -Vintage codes – Product Code

This code represents the Vintage Year (two digit year). Create an entry for each vintage you have in inventory.

These codes come pre-loaded in the system

Be sure to always create the new harvest year before you enter your first weight tag or bulk purchase for that year or it will use the existing year in the system which will mean your compositions will be incorrect.

(VAR) - Variety – Product Code

This table is used to define the grape varieties you expect to receive from growers or in bulk wine purchases.

These codes come pre-loaded in the system.

Because this code is in the Blend number, remember it is important to make these codes a consistent length. You should consider the varieties your winery processes now and in the future and decide on either a 2 or 3 character coding system.

(APP) - Appellation – Product Code

This table is used to define the appellations from which your winery receives grapes.

Because appellations are often nested within areas, you will be creating appellation tree with this screen.

For example in the picture above, the appellation RRV (Russian River Valley) is defined as being in the SOCO appellation. When the SOCO appellation code is set up it will be defined as being in the NOCL (Northern California) appellation. When NOCL is set up it will be defined as being in the CAL (California) appellation and CAL is defined as being in the USA.

This tree structure is used by the BI module when creating Trial Blends to display grape origins by appellation as well as displaying in the composition so you can determine the percentage of the appellation for the wine for labeling.

These codes come pre-loaded in the system.

NOTE: These Codes are 2-4 characters in length. If you are using appellation in your Blend Number, you will first need to determine how many characters in the blend for the Appellation and then change these to reflect those amount. Because Appellation is displayed and available as a search criteria on reports and inquiries, it is not necessary to have it in the blend number itself.

(DST) - District – Product Code

These are the California District Codes that specific to the California Crush Report. The BI module uses these codes to produce the report (BIWTM.WCY).

These codes come pre-loaded in the system.

You only need to define the districts from which your winery receives grapes. There are currently a total of 17 California Government defined Districts.

You should type a leading zero before single digit district codes (1-9) to insure that the report prints in the proper order. For example enter 01, not 1 for district one.

This is a required field, so if you purchase from outside of California, you will need to enter something in the field, (example Oregon = OR or NA) This will not do anything for the California grape crush report by district or for the average pricing use on the contracts, but it will separate out those that are outside of California.

(VIN) - Vineyard – Product Code

Individual Vineyards for a grower that you will receive at harvest/crush. This is a 4 character/digit code. If you have different varieties in the same vineyard, it requires a different vineyard code. If you want to include the block in the vineyard code, you set this up as a 4 character code (Example TA01 for Block one in Tina Alves vineyard) or (A177 for Alves vineyard block 1, clone 777).


Grower code

Enter a Grower Code that relates to this vineyard and that you established already in the grower master (BICDM.CGM).

Appellation code

Enter the Appellation where the vineyard resides.

Setup date

You may enter a date the vineyard was planted in this field or leave it blank. If left blank, the system will place today's date in the field.

Inactive date

Leave this field blank until the vineyard code becomes inactive and should no longer be used.

District code

Enter a district code

(JUI) - Juice Type – Product Code

The collection type at harvest used on the Bulk Wine Contracts. (Example, Free Run, Press, Hard Press or a combination)

These codes come pre-loaded in the system

If you crush your own grapes, you will now these, however if you purchase juice, you may not so the Code "C" gives you the option to select a Free Run and Press combination.

(CAC) - Chemistry Analysis - Product Code

Each Analysis that you want to use. You can have multiple entries that denote the same kind of analysis such as RS by dextrocheck and RS by enzymatic method (pre-loaded).

These come pre-loaded in the system

Reading is Text

You would indicate a "Y" if the result is a +/ - and not a number.

Minimum and Max Values

This is not required, however recommended so you do not accidentally key in the wrong value. If not in the range, the system will warn you and allow you to override to keep it or change the correct value.

Display Column

This indicates the order of the columns on the display screen.

Entry Order

This indicates the order of the list on the entry screen.

Sample Bottle Size and Minimum Sample qty

Is used when you are pulling samples (example 750, 375, etc.)

(OWN) – Owner – Product Codes

This optional table has been provided for wineries that perform custom crush operations. You may wish to make the first two characters in the blend number an owner code for instance. You would also need to assign your own winery an owner code so that the blend number has a consistent layout.

If you are not using this code in the BNT – Blend then you do not have to enter anything in this table.

(CNT) - Contract Type – Product Code

This table is used to define the types of contracts used (examples are C=Custom, E=Estate, P=Purchase, S=Sales).

These are pre-loaded in the system

(INU) -Intended Use – Product Code

This table can be used to define a contract/blend as to the future of the juice. This is a mandatory field however it can be changed at a later date and a recompute can be performed to correct it with the correct indication. Enter a NA = Not Applicable so you can select it when it is unknown and required on an entry. This code helps for reports during the production stages.

(UDC) - User defined – Product Code

This optional table is used only in conjunction with table BNT when defining blend number types. Review instructions "Overview Blend Number" before making entries in this table.

An example of how this table could be used is to define Code "R" as red wine vs. Code "W" as white wine blends. This allows the user to select and total red and white wine blends.

(TAX) -Tax class – Product Code

This table is used to keep track of the tax class of the wine; under 14%, over 14%, Etc. Please establish those alcohol cut off that your winery wishes. AMS is not responsible for your descriptions in the tax classes.


These codes come pre-loaded in the system.


(BNT) -Blend Number Type – Product Code

The code that defines the characters of the Blend/Lot number. You have already set this up in Step 1.

(CES) - Chemistry Entry Set – Product Code

This screen allows you to set up Analysis Sets for groups of analysis codes done at the same time. This provides a quicker way to enter data. (Examples: Fermentation Panel, Standard Monthly Analyses, Pre-Bottling Analyses).

Step #6 - Create/Change Miscellaneous Codes – Processing Codes (BICDM.CMC)

Although you have already been in this screen for Facility Code and Product Set-Up, we are now going to set up codes attributes related to Processing Codes that help to processes the billing of the system.

(TGP) -Transaction Group – Processing Codes

This table is optional and used for printing the Gain/Loss Summary by Blend report (BI ITM PGL). This table creates groups of transaction codes (BI CDM CMC Table TRN). The Transaction Group code will be the columns across the top of the report. This is not used by many, but something that is used for customer work for billing.


These codes come pre-loaded in the system

(TST) - Tank Status – Processing Codes

This table is optional and used to create resulting statuses for a wine after a process has been completed. This can be attached to individual transaction codes (Table TRN) or entered during transaction entry. An example would be when you Yeast a tank, the resulting status would be On Fermentation. Reports may be created using the status code to be able to find all tanks "On Fermentation" as an example. Racking Codes of 1, 2, and 3 can also be set up and then you know if you Rack a vessel, the resulting status will be a Rack 1 and if you do a second Racking it is a Rack 2 etc.

These codes come pre-loaded in the system.

(TRN) - Transaction – Processing Codes

This table is used to define the different transactions used in the production of bulk wine. Everything that happens to the wine will be entered using a transaction code. A set of basic transactions will be included with the installation of the system. It is a good idea to go through the given list and decide if some of the transactions are redundant for the way you do business. It is best to be concise with the transaction codes for report writing and inquiry purposes.


Enter the description for this transaction

Resulting status

Defined in Table TST - Optional - This transaction would cause the wine to be in the defined status. The system comes pre-loaded so you need to delete them if you do not plan to use them. This reports on the TSI (Tank Inquiry Screen) and a very useful tool.

Transaction family

These codes define the transaction screens needed to process the defined transaction. The options are:

  • CRSH - Crush

  • PRES - Press

  • PRSG - Press Grapes

  • TOPP - Topping

  • TRTT - Transfer from tank to tank

  • TRMT - Treatment

  • SHIP - Ship from plant to plant or Ship out.

  • LOSS - Loss

  • RECV - Receive bulk wine

  • BOTL - Bottled to finished goods


Once your set-up is completed, notify AMS to load the 702 Parameters for the transaction codes you will be keeping. If you Add a transaction after your set up is completed, you also will want to review the (BICDM.C7P) 702 Report Parameters to be sure the 702 report parameters match what is actually happening to the wine or juice and that it will report it on the correct line item, column, section, and tax class on the report itself. (See Step 14)
These codes come pre-loaded in the system


(HFC) Harvest Fee Code – Processing Code

This screen allows you enter the codes that you will use in conjunction with the grape contracts to keep track of the fees assessed and paid. (Broker Fee's, Assessment Rates, etc.).

(ACT) - Addition Code Type – Processing Codes

This table is used to define the different types of additions. The most common examples are: CA for Chemical Additions and $A for Dollar Additions to add overhead dollars to the wine.


These come pre-loaded in the system

(BAT) -Barrel Attribute Type - Processing Codes

The set-up of this field is only needed if you are using the Detailed Barrel Tracking Module in the system. If so, you will be directed to that set-up document later and you can set this field up then.

(BAC) - Barrel Attribute Codes - Processing Codes

The set-up of this field is only needed if you are using the Detailed Barrel Tracking Module in the system. If so, you will be directed to that set-up document later and you can set this field up then.

(EMP) - Barrel Attribute Codes - Processing Codes

This table populates the grid used on the Work Order to select an employee who will complete on the Work Order being performed. The AMS Users also populate this drop down as well.

(ZZZ) - Miscellaneous Codes – Misc

These are codes that AMS will set up or go over with you and are specific to how the system functions, not your data. (example address for BOL, Average Yield you wish to use, etc.)

Step #7 – Create/Change Tank Capacity Specifications (BICDM.CC)

This is an optional screen that allows you to enter detailed gallons per inch for tank specification that may apply to one or more tanks. The BI module is able to convert inches "dry" into gallons during transaction entry if it is provided with the necessary tank information at setup. This is the same as the paper tank charts used at many wineries. This method allows you to provide the system with the information it needs to convert inches to gallons in both the top and bottom cones as well as the straight part of the tank.

If you wish to only use the summary method, you can use the form (BICDM.CTS) - Create/Change Tank Specs described in the next step below instead of this method. The accuracy is much better in the detail method because it takes into consideration the top/bottom cones etc., however either method will work.

Tank Capacity Code

This could be the Max Gallons of the vessel that will identify the tank. IF you have multiple types of vessels (SS and Wood) at these same gallons, you will need to identify then differently here.

Step #8 – Create/Change/Print Tank Specs (BICDM.CTS)

Use this screen to setup your tanks. In the BI module, groups of barrels are often treated like tanks but they are not setup using this screen.


Enter the location where this tank resides. (BICDM.CMC LOC)


Enter the tank type. (BICDM.CMC TTY)

Pound capacity

If the tank will be used to store MUST, enter the highest number of pounds you could reasonably expect the tank to contain. You will not be allowed to put more pounds in the tank than you specify here.

Measurement offset (inches)

If you measure the inches dry on your tanks from a reference point above the actual top of the tank such as a catwalk or hand rail you may enter the distance from the actual top of the tank to the reference point in inches this field. This number will be subtracted from the number of inches entered in the transaction input screen prior to converting the inches to gallons.

Tank capacity code

If you created a tank capacity specification code for this tank, enter it here and ignore the next three fields on this screen. See prior page (BICDM.CCS). If you did not create a tank capacity specifications for this tank than leave this field blank and fill in one or more of the following three fields.

Gallons per inch

This optional field provides the system with a simple way of converting inches dry to gallons. Enter the gallons per inch (straight part of tank only). The system is not able to make accurate conversions from inches to gallons in the top and bottom cone when using this method. If you require that functionality use the tank capacity code feature described on page .

Gallon capacity topped

Enter the tanks capacity when filled to the top.

Gallon capacity zero in. dry

Enter the tanks capacity when filled to the top of the straight portion of the tank.

(BICDM.PTS) – Bulk Inventory – Code Definition – Print Tank Specs

You may need a list of tanks to verify what was entered or to print out for a master book. The job request screen for requesting a Tank Master list is pictured below. You can the report by specific criteria or you can select enter and run everything.


Step #9 - Create/change barrel groups (BICDM.CBG)

This screen tracks your barrel group names and how many barrels are in the group. However, no barrel numbers or attributes of those barrels. *Skip this step if using Detailed Barrel Tracking.


Barrel Group Number

What you wish to call your barrel group that are already in your system. These can be have both numerical and alpha characters and in any order.

You might want to start them with a B to indicate Barrel Groups as outlined below. Depending on how many groups you have, you will need to take into consideration how your will use the 4 characters/digits.

  • B001-B999 or BG01 – BG99.

You could also break them down to varieties such as

  • CS01-CS99 for Cab Sauvignon barrel groups 01-99

  • ZN01-ZN99 for Zinfandel barrel groups 01-99


Primary Location

location of your group (required) Selection can be NA.


Barrel Type

What type are you grouping (optional)

Loc. and Rak-Cnt

This is an optional entry in Red that allows you to enter
(LOC-Location of the barrels) as well as (RAK-CNT - Racking Counts).

Step #10 – Compute Gallons from inches dry (BICDM.CGI)

This is an optional screen that does a calculation of how many gallons are in a tank by entering the number of inches dry (Meaning the portion of the tank that does not have liquid in it). This number is calculated by the specifications entered in the definition of the tank.


Enter the plant the tank resides in (f used).


Enter the tank number or Press enter and select the tank from the list.

Enter the type of unit you are calculating from

Inches, Gallons or X/1000gl.


Will display your answer.

Current Tank Information

This tanks detail and if it has something in it or empty. In this case it is empty which is correct because we are trying to calculate the gallons on the work order to enter it into the system. This is one use for this screen.

Step #11 - Change Period Open Date (BICDM.CPO)

This screen allows you to control the active dates for the bulk system. The beginning date is how far back in history data can be entered. The ending date is how far in the future data can be entered. The current vintage is used for some of the data entry screens requiring a vintage to be entered. This screen allows you to close a time period (Month, year etc.) lock down closed months so new entries are not able to be entered into those months that have previously been closed.

Beginning date

Once you have balanced and closed and month for account, compliance etc., you can change the beginning date and the system will not allow you to enter a transaction prior to this date.

Ending Date

This field allow for entries to be entered into the system through this date. In this case above, you can make entries into the future through the end of 2012. It is recommended to change this ending date each year after you have closed the end of Dec. This will prevent the accidental mistake of automatically inputting the incorrect year.

Current Vintage

This field allow you to indicate which vintage year you are in so another year is not able to be input accidentally.

Step #12 - Change 702 Report Parameters (BICDM.C7P)

This screen is used to define where the gallons from each different transaction code get reported on the Federal tax form 702. The "from" and the "to" side of each transaction are defined by tax class and the line number to be used on the 702. Once you have entered your Transactions, you will notify AMS and we will loaded the 702 parameters in relations to their movement and where they should be calculating on the 702. You will need to Review and confirm that this is where you want it to report and be sure to Change if needed. AMS takes no responsibility for incorrect 702 Reporting if these codes are not set up to your liking.

Qty Type and Class

C (Champagne), (J) Juice, (M) Must, W1 (Wine Tax Class 1), and W2 (Wine Tax Class 2).

From and To

This is the mapping of each page, line and column on the 702 and where the transaction value is being removed and added on the 702 Report.


This is where the loss related to the transaction is being recorded.

Indicator (**)

The ** is used as an indicator in the "From" and/or "To" line to tell the system that the transaction you are using is not a movement that is mapped to the 702 Report.

(BICDM.P7P) - Bulk Inventory - Print 702 Report Parameters

This produces a report of the parameters of the Federal Tax form 702 as defined in the Change 702 report parameters. It will report all the transactions for the date range you selected in the criteria and group them together so you can see what the number on the 702 represents.

Step #13 - Maintain Addition Codes (BICDM.MAC)

This screen is used to define items that are added to the content of tanks such as Chemical and Financial Additions. (Examples; sulfur, egg whites, bentonite, and dollars to the tank for costing purposes).


These codes come pre-loaded in the system


Unit of Measure can be added in the Central tables to be selected.

Step #14 – Maintain Manufactures (BICDM.MFG)

Please notify AMS if you plan to use this or not, for there is a flag necessary to be turned off or on by AMS

This is an optional screen that allows you to track all of your manufacture in accordance to the FDA regulations.

Step #15 – Maintain/Print Lot Master (BICDM.MLM)

This is an optional screen that allows you to track and maintain the manufacture lots in accordance to the FDA regulations and convert them to an AMS lot number. The conversion is done to reduce mistakes for the AMS lot number is of fewer characters which allows for easier notation on a work order etc.

Add Lot Master Button

If not using the MR (Bottling Supply Tracking Module) you can use this screen to indicate that the glass, cork and closure was used and it's lot number. You will need to add them to the wine as an additive prior to bottling them from the system.

You will need to select this button to put in all the parameters related to this receipt. So are required, others are not. Please see below. This is not an inventory tracking system however; it does maintain the lot numbers.

AMS Lot I.D.

The system will auto add a number in the next sequential order or if using multiple plants you can add manually the next number that is specific to that plant.


Type of item being received and maintained.


Date Received.


Enter who delivered the goods.


Location item is received and stored

Addition Code/Part#

Select from those already entered on the BICDM.MAC Screen. If a new item, you will need to add to the master before you can use it here.

Manufacture's Lot ID

This is the lot number assigned at the manufacture plant.

Manufactures Code

This is the name of the Manufacturer maintained in the BICDM.MFG screen. If a new company, you will need to add to the master before you can use it here.

Vendor Number

You can add it manually if known, or select enter for the list maintained in the Accounts Payable Vendors list.

Quantity, Bill of Lading and Comments

These are optional, but recommended. They will not affect inventory. If tracking inventory in AMS, you will need to enter this as well, using the (MR) Materials Received Module.

(BICDM.PLM) - Bulk Inventory – Print Lot Master

This will print the lots that you entered in the Lot Master above.

Training #2 - Bulk Inventory –Winemaking - Grape and Bulk Contract Set-up and Initial Receiving

This training should already be scheduled with AMS. If not, please contact then to do so.

Costing in the Bulk Inventory – Winemaking System

You do not need to have the cost of the wines at this time you enter your initial inventory. You will however, need to compute the cost "AS of that Date" so you can enter them into each vessel at a later date. You can then recomputed the system back to the beginning date and this will correct the cost and move the dollars forward through all the transactions that were already entered to current. This will be discussed in future training.

If you plan to use the costing features in the Bulk Module, we can review how the costs are tracked from Grape to Bottle and how you can spread your monthly overhead dollars into all or some of the current vessels in your cellar. This will allow you to always know your current cost of your gallons at any time throughout each processing stage. Then you can add the Bottling Goods cost using the MRP Module to determine your finished goods inventory cost into case goods.

Initial Inventory

Prior to entering your on hand gallons into the system, you will need to take a physical Inventory of your Bulk gallons by vessel and Blend in your cellar. You will need to know the Detail Composition for each Blend in those vessels. A Bulk Contract will be established for the Blend and then you will receive the gallons against that contract to establish them into the vessels with the correct starting gallons and composition.

Barrel Groups

If using Barrel Groups to track the same Blend in multiple barrels, you will only need to know the total number of gallons in the group and the number of barrels that make up the group. The standard system will track the total gallons in that group as one vessel to allow for easier transaction entry. You can indicate in a comments area the barrel numbers that make up that group, however this is only a notes field and cannot be sorted on. An additional Module, Detail Barrel Tracking, allows you to track the attributes of the barrels, and those barrels within the group.

Timing of Inventory Taken

It is recommended that you take a physical inventory at the end of the prior month that you will enter your live transactions for. This way your initial inventories being received, will not show up in the current month 702 reports. The only time you want these gallons to show up there, would be if you are establishing a new winery and the TTB required that you show the gallons being received from the old Bond to the new Bond. It is not required to start at the end of a month, however, work with AMS if you wish to do this.


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