Internet Defaults

Internet Defaults

The Internet Systems Default Screen is for the default codes and the cart behavior of your AMS webcart.  It can also be used to tell the system how to handle imported orders from a non AMS webcart. 

Default Codes

Default Tasting Room and Register-  The system is looking to the register master for the specified tasting room and register for its transaction behavior.  This can also be used for reporting purposes to narrow down the report criteria. 

Default Clerk- The clerk specified in this field will show up as the clerk or original clerk for all orders placed on the system Id.

Retail Price Type code- This is the price that will show up on the web cart, assuming a price has been set up for the code in Maintain Prices And Discounts (MPD).  If no price is set up, the price for the part on the web cart will initially show as $0.00.  If a customer logs in, they system will look at the price type on the customers account, then look at the price for the related price class in Maintain Prices And Discounts (MPD) and charge the appropriate price

Teaser Wine Club code- Beta testing in progress.  Idea is that it will be a way to up-sell customers to a specific club.

Default Club Price Type code-  This is the club price that will show up on the web cart, again assuming a price has been set up for the related price class.  This price does not determine the final price charged to a club member, that is determined by the price type in the customer master and what pricing is set up in the Maintain Prices And Discounts (MPD) for the related price class.

Trans code for Futures-  If selling futures on the web, the appropriate futures transaction code (determined by the client) must be filled in.  Futures are determined by the web cart by the release date in the part master.  if there is no futures transaction code and a customer tries to select a part to buy with a future release date, the customer will be unable to purchase the item.  Also, if selling futures on the web the system will create a separate ship to line for the future vs the non futures because the system is assuming that the non futures will be shipped separately from the futures.  Essentially, the customers will be receiving two or more packages and will be charged the appropriate shipping for 2 or more packages.

Trans code for Reservations-  This is the code that will be used for reservation transactions when the web cart goes live with our event management system.

Will Call Shipping Code-  If using the option on the web cart for the customer to pick up the wine at the winery instead of having it shipped, a will call code is necessary.

Contact code for cust changes- When a customer makes changes to their online account, a contact will be added to the customer master record.  The code that is chosen for this field can be used to search for web changes in Customer Management (CRM).

Cart Behavior

Username Mode-This forces new customer to choose a specific format for their user name such as an email address

Session Expiration-  If a customer does not log out this will automatically log them out of their session after a specified amount of time.

Inventory Reserve-  This is used in conjunction with inventory checks in the specific Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX) set up.  If the inventory checks flag is set to yes for the default ttx code for the web register, this field can be used as a buffer.  For example, if multiple customers were purchasing an item at the same time this would allow the customers to purchase if there are enough bottles on reserve in this field.  This is typically used for a high volume cart such as an allocation cart.

Hide order history from Tr/Reg-This allows a customer to only see order history from specific registers when they are logged in to their account.  For example, if a company has multiple tasting rooms and brands they only want the customer to view orders from one specific tasting room, the customer can be limited to viewing order history only from the tasting room of the web cart they are logged into.

Show zero alloc parts in catalog- On allocation carts, typically when a customer is not logged into the web cart they will not be able to see any of the allocated parts.  If this box is checked, then the allocated parts will show on the web cart to customers or potential customers.  This can be used as a tool to entice potential allocation customers.

Sync these system's Usernames and Passwords to this System I.D.

This is for clients that have multiple carts.  It allows customers to log in to each cart with the same username and password.

Order import codes and behavior

If importing orders, the shipping codes and tender codes can be cross referenced to the codes in AMS.  This way the system will read the shipping and tender codes on the orders being uploaded and changes are not necessary to the spreadsheet that is being imported.  The only fields required for the cross reference are the System ID, the external code, and the AMS code.



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