Year to Year Sales Snapshot


This report is a great report to compare sales to the same day, week, month, quarter, or year compared to last year.  For the daily comparison, the report does not look at the same date last year to retrieve the sales, it looks at the day.  In the examples below you will see that my daily comparison for May 26, 2016 is comparing it to May 28th, 2015.  For the weekly comparison, the system starts the week on Sunday and for the quarterly comparison, it is using a calendar year for the sales data.

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Where Is It Found


Feature Overview & Examples

This report is designed to be a type of dashboard that compares retail and wholesale sales to last year on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.  There is no sort statement in this report like many of our other reports but you can sort the report to two levels.  The report will also show you your year to year over/under percentage transaction counts and case counts.  There is a select statement if necessary to exclude transactions from your report.  When you fill out the report there are certain combinations that are not allowed, a message will pop up at the bottom of the screen with an explanation of what is not allowed.  Below, there are 3 examples of ways to run the report along with the results.

In Example 1, the report is going to show a daily, weekly, and monthly comparison as of 05/26/16.  It is only going to show net revenue sales and it will show the year to year over/under and a retail transaction count.  Retail sales will be broken down by transaction category and label.  Wholesale sales will be broken down by the customer financial code and label.

Example 1

Example 1 Results

The report shows the sales as of Thursday 05/26/16 and compares it to Thursday 05/28/15.  If the report compared it to 05/26/15, it would have been comparing sales to a Tuesday, so the report was designed to compare by day instead of date.  For the weekly comparison, the report starts the week on Sunday, so in this case it will only look at sales from Sunday through Thursday of this year and Sunday through Thursday of last year.  The monthly comparison is a month to date comparison.  The year to year over/under is on each comparison that was requested on the report screen.  If you are under last years sales, the report will show a percentage in parenthesis.  By choosing year to year over/under on the request screen, the report will display the sales for all of the previous year and then display how far over or under you are in the current year.  The break down is very much like the typical sort statement, which ever field you list first will be the first one displayed on the report.  The retail sales always report first and wholesale last.


Retail sales broken down by transaction category and label:


Wholesale sales broken down by customer financial code and label:

Retail transaction count:

Example 2

In Example 2, the case count is requested to be broken down by standard 9L cases.  You cannot request to show Year to Year over/under when requesting to show case count.  The system will display a message on the bottom of the screen if the combo is chosen and you will not be able to stream the report.  The comparison for this report will be monthly, quarterly, and yearly as of 05/26/16.

Example 2 Results:

In this report it does still give you the over/under for each comparison that was requested but it doesn't display a section of the previous year actuals and compare it to the current year like the report above.  The case count adds a section to compare cases for each comparison that was requested as well as a Year to date comparison.  Since only one sales breakdown was chosen for both retail and wholesale sales this is a much more condensed report then example 1.

Example 3

In Example 3, the request screen is very simple.  This would be more of an example of a report you might display in the tasting room so the clerks can see how they are doing.  The report will show daily weekly and monthly comparisons and it will be broken down by the original clerk.  If you only wanted to show tasting room sales and not wine club and eCommerce sales you could narrow down your selection in the select field by either tasting room or registers.  In this example I used registers since I only have 1 tasting room for all channels.

The result of example 3 is a very simple dashboard report broken down by the tasting room clerks.