Importing GL Budget Data (GLBM.ACB)


The GL budget maintenance screen, menu GLBM, option ACB, has been enhanced for Windows AMS users.  You may now import an excel spreadsheet or comma/tab delimited file into a GL budget.

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Where Is It Found


File Format

Since a spreadsheet is the most desirable format to be imported, the following discussion will be in excel spreadsheet terms.  Your import file must contain the following columns in this order:

  • Column A:  Account
  • Columns B-M:  12 Budget Amounts for periods 1-12 (whole dollars)
  • Column N:  Total amount for the 12 periods (whole dollars)
  • Column O:  General Comment text (optional)

Importing Data:

First, you enter the Fiscal Year and Budget ID, after this is filled in you have the option at any time to press F1 to import data. 


The following screen will request that you press F1 to upload an Excel spreadsheet, or F2 to upload delimited data (either tab or comma delimited).

Next, a window will pop up allowing you to select the file to be imported:

Once you select your file, that data will be imported and displayed in a grid prior to it being applied to your GL budget.  You have the option to correct errors on the imported data.

If errors are found, the system will stop and ask you to correct the field in error. 

For example, if your spreadsheet has column headings, you will need to check the OMIT column on the grid so that the row is not processed.  You do not need to press enter after checking the OMIT box.

If an invalid account is found, you may correct it here.  Type in the correct account and press ENTER.

The import process will also validate that amounts are valid and that all 12 periods balance with the amount in your TOTAL column.

Once all data is valid, you will be prompted to press F2 to apply this data to the GL budget.

Existing GL budget entries will be updated. 

Data from your file that is not found in the GL budget will be added. 

In order to delete a GL entry, you may either delete it via the maintenance screen, or create an entry in your import data file with all zeros in the amount fields.

When your data has been applied to the GL Budget, the system will display processing counts.  For example:

When you press F8, you will be returned to the G/L Budget Maintenance screen.